JetBrains Rider 2021.2 Help

Unit Testing

On this page of JetBrains Rider options, you can adjust general settings that apply to all unit testing features.

Default platform architecture

This selector allows choosing a platform to run unit tests on.

Default .NET Framework version

This selector allows setting .NET version to use when running unit tests.

Run up to [x] assemblies in parallel

Select the number of assemblies to be tested by JetBrains Rider concurrently in parallel threads.

Skip tests from categories

Type names of test categories to be excluded from the run. The tests associated with the category that you specified are ignored. For more information, see Test categories

Run tests from:

Choose Project output folder to run compiled tests from the default location. When assemblies are placed in the default project location, test files are retrieved from the same location.

Choose Specified folder to run tests using a post-build step, so the tests are run from the particular folder. Enter the desired path in the field, or click Browse to find and set the desired location.

Unit Test Sessions

Save and restore Unit Test Sessions

Select this checkbox to allow JetBrains Rider to restore unit test sessions when you close and reopen Rider.

Activate Unit Test Session window when tun starts

Select this checkbox if you want Unit Tests window to open each time you run unit tests.

Unit Test Output

Wrap long lines in Unit Test Session output

Defines how to display long lines in the Output tab in the Unit Tests window. If this checkbox is selected, long lines are wrapped.

Limit auto-loaded output to:

Defines how to many lines should be displayed in the Output tab in the Unit Tests window.

Last modified: 08 March 2021