JetBrains Rider 2021.2 Help

Set up coverage filters

Sometimes, you may need to limit the scope of coverage analysis. For example, this makes sense if you participate in development of a large application with multiple projects and thousands of tests. In this case, you don't need to analyze coverage of all projects (types, type members) in the solution but only of those that are related to a particular feature. Another example is reducing the "noise" of a coverage tree by excluding the nodes (namespaces, classes, methods) you're not currently interested in. In all such cases, you should apply coverage filters.

There are two main filter types:

  • Runtime coverage filters: JetBrains Rider applies these filters during a coverage session. Use them to reduce session time: the less code JetBrains Rider has to analyze, the faster the session will end.

  • Coverage results filters: JetBrains Rider applies these filters to coverage results (coverage tree) after the coverage session is over. Use them to exclude nodes you don't want to see at the moment.

You can configure the filters on the Build, Execution, Deployment | dotCover | Filtering page of JetBrains Rider settings Ctrl+Alt+S.

Last modified: 19 August 2021