JetBrains Rider 2022.1 Help


JetBrains Rider Use this page to configure Markdown support in JetBrains Rider.

Default layout

Select the default layout for the Markdown file editor: show only the editor, only the preview pane, or both. You can change it using buttons in the top right corner of the editor.

Preview layout

Select how to split the editor and preview pane: vertically (side by side) or horizontally (preview below the editor).

Sync scroll in the editor and preview

Synchronize the scroll position in the editor with the scroll position in the preview pane.

Inject languages in code fences

Inject the language specified for the code block to enable coding assistance. For more information, see Code blocks.

Automatic assistance in the editor

Help with editing lists and tables. For example, automatic numbering, width adjustments, and so on.

Show errors in code fences

Check code blocks for syntax errors according to the specified language.

Detect commands that can be run right from Markdown files

Show gutter icons for running commands in Markdown files.

For more information, see Run commands from Markdown files.

Markdown extensions

Install and enable markdown extensions: Mermaid and PlantUML.

Custom CSS

Customize the style sheets used for rendering HTML in the preview pane. For more information, see Custom CSS.

Load from

Specify the location of a custom CSS file.

CSS rules

Enter specific CSS rules that you want to override.

Pandoc Settings

Configure the settings related to converting files to and from Markdown and other formats. For more information, see Convert Markdown files

Path to Pandoc executable

Specify the location of the Pandoc executable.

Save images from Microsoft Word to

Specify the location where you want to save images imported from DOC files.

Last modified: 22 July 2022