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ReSharper command line tools

ReSharper Command Line Tools is a set of free cross-platform standalone tools that help you integrate automatic code quality procedures into your CI, version control, or any other server.

The Command Line Tools package includes the following tools:

Install and use ReSharper command line tools as .NET Core tools

If you have .NET Core 3.1.0 or later on your machine, you can install and use ReSharper command line tools as .NET Core global and local tools.

Install ReSharper command line tools

  • To install ReSharper command line tools as a global .NET Core tool in the default location, run the following command line:

    dotnet tool install -g JetBrains.ReSharper.GlobalTools
  • In a build script, you can install it as a local tool to keep the operating system clean from unnecessary modifications. Using a tool manifest file, you can execute the following locally:

    # One-time locally dotnet new tool-manifest dotnet tool install JetBrains.ReSharper.GlobalTools # In the build script dotnet tool restore

    Without a tool manifest, you can use the --tool-path parameter.

  • For custom installation, refer to the documentation of the dotnet tool install command. For example, you can install a desired version of the tools from the .nupkg file in your current directory:

    dotnet tool install -g --add-source . JetBrains.ReSharper.GlobalTools --version 2020.3.0-*

As ReSharper command line tools are shipped in a single package, they will share the same command after the successful installation: jb. You can provide the specific tool as the first parameter:

jb inspectcode|cleanupcode [tool-specific parameters]

Run ReSharper command line tools

  • To find code issues in a solution, run

    jb inspectcode YourSolution.sln -o=<PathToOutputFile>

    For more information and available command-line parameters, see InspectCode Command-Line Tool.

  • To reformat code and fix code style in a solution, run

    jb cleanupcode YourSolution.sln

    For more information and available command-line parameters, see CleanupCode Command-Line Tool.

Last modified: 22 July 2022