JetBrains Rider 2022.1 Help

Code Generation

On this page, you can adjust the way code generation works in C++.

Default function body

Specify whether the generated functions should have an empty body, return a default value, throw an std::logic_error, or include uncompilable code.

Call the overriden function from the body of an overriden function

Use this setting to automatically call the base function. In the Unreal Engine project, JetBrains Rider will call the overridden function from the generated body of an overriding function using the idiomatic Super type alias.

Generate default operator implementation

This setting allows you to generate idiomatic bodies of operator functions that are usually implemented in terms of the associated operator.

Declare converting constructors 'explicit'

With this checkbox selected, when you generate code from usage, converting constructors will be declared explicit.

Last modified: 22 July 2022