JetBrains Rider 2022.1 Help

Unity window

View | Tool Windows | Unity

This window helps you to work with Unity projects in Rider. The window is available only if Rider is connected to the Unity editor.

Log tab

JetBrains Rider: Unity log window

The Log tab of the Unity tool window brings Unity's Console into Rider. The tab shows Unity log entries and is updated as events are logged in Unity.

The Output part of the window on the right shows the content of the currently selected log entry. Rider makes the content interactive, so that you can navigate to any source file, class, method or property mentioned in the log entry.

Unit Test Explorer displays tests from the entire solution

When the Explorer tab, or any unit test session tab is open, you can use the following controls on the left-hand toolbar:

Toolbar Controls




App actions toggle soft wrap

Use Soft Wraps

Use this button to enable line wrapping for lines exceeding the current width of the output area.

Unity log edit mode

Show/Hide 'Edit' mode

Shows/hides log entries from Unity edit mode.

Unity log play mode

Show/Hide 'Play' mode

Shows/hides log entries from Unity play mode.

Unity log errors

Show/Hide Errors

Shows/hides error log entries.

Unity log warnings

Show/Hide Warnings

Shows/hides warning log entries.

Unity log messages

Show/Hide Warnings

Shows/hides message log entries.

App actions gc


Clear the log.

Icon toggle output position

Toggle Output Position

Position the Output part of the window either vertically or horizontally.

Themed icon settings screen gray

Unity Plugin Settings

Quick access to the Unity plugin settings.

Last modified: 22 July 2022