Run native executables
Last modified: 14 December 2022If you need to launch a native (non-.NET) executable as a part of your testing or debugging session, you need to configure the startup properties of the target executable in a run configuration and then launch it together with another configuration that executes your .NET code as multiple targets.
Note that you cannot debug a native executable. If you have a .NET executable without sources that you want to debug, you can do that with the .NET Executable configuration.
Create a run configuration for native executable
Open the Run/Debug Configuration dialog in one of the following ways:
Select Run | Edit Configurations from the main menu.
With the Navigation bar visible (View | Appearance | Navigation Bar), choose Edit Configurations from the run/debug configuration selector.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R and then press 0.
In the Run/Debug Configuration dialog, click Add New Configuration
Ctrl+N, choose the Native Executable configuration type, and specify a name that will help you identify this configuration in the future.
Optionally, adjust the common settings of the configuration and configure before launch tasks.
Specify the path to the target executable.
Optionally, specify program arguments that will be passed to the executable when the configuration is started. Multiple arguments should be separated with whitespaces.
Optionally, specify a custom working directory, otherwise the directory of the target executable will be used.
Optionally, specify custom environment variables for the target executable in the following format:
By default, the output of .NET and Mono applications is shown in the Run or Debug window. You can select Use external console to show the output in an external window.
Note that this checkbox does not affect classic .NET application types (for example, .NET Console Application) — their output in always shown in an external window.
Click Apply to save the configuration.