Hot Reload settings
Last modified: 03 December 2021File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Hot Reload for Windows and Linux
JetBrains Rider | Settings or Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Hot Reload for macOS
Preferences configurable on this page are saved using the mechanism of layer-based settings.
On this page, you can configure the way Hot Reload works for making changes in running processes.
General settings
Enable Hot Reload when debugging (excluding Mono) | When this option is on, you can edit your code and continue debugging without restarting. There are cases when modifying the code is not possible and a restart is required. These include changing signatures, modifying generic functions, renamings of any kind, and some more. If this happens JetBrains Rider will make you aware by showing a tooltip.
Automatically apply changes on step and resume |
Enable Hot Reload when running without debugging (.NET 6.0 and later) | This option enables Hot Reload when you run code without debugging Ctrl+F5. If it is disabled, you can make any edits, but they will not be synced with the running application.
Enable XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms |