JetBrains Rider 2023.2 Help

Navigate inheritance hierarchy with gutter marks

For types and type members that have base symbols or inheritors elsewhere in the solution and referenced assemblies, JetBrains Rider shows gutter icons that let you navigate up and down the inheritance hierarchy:

JetBrains Rider: Gutter icons and tooltips for base and implementing/overriding types and members

The following icons indicate base symbols and inheritors in different cases:

Themed icon has implementations screen gray

The interface or the interface member has implementations; you can navigate to these implementations.

Themed icon has overrides screen gray

The class has derived classes or the class member is overridden elsewhere; you can navigate to these inheritors and overrides.

Themed icon hides screen gray

The member hides another member from a base type; you can navigate to the hidden member.

Themed icon hides and implements screen gray

The member hides one member and implements another member from the inheritance hierarchy; you can navigate to both the hidden and the overridden members.

Themed icon implements screen gray

The type or type member implements an interface; you can navigate to the interface type or member.

Themed icon implements over default screen gray

The member implements an interface member that has a default implementation and you can navigate to it.

Themed icon overrides screen gray

The class is inherited from another class or the class member overrides a virtual or abstract member; you can navigate to the base class or member.

Themed icon overrides and implements screen gray

The class implements an interface and inherits from a base class, or the member overrides a virtual or abstract member, which implements an interface member; you can navigate to the overridden and implemented types or members.

You can hover over it to see the quick summary and click icons to navigate. If there is a single base or inherited symbol, JetBrains Rider will navigate directly to that symbol; if there are multiple results, you will be able to choose the target from the list.

If you prefer using the keyboard, place the caret at a line that has a gutter mark, press Alt+Enter, and pick the navigation action from the menu. Alternatively, you can use the dedicated navigation commands:

  • Go to Base Symbols Control+U to navigate to base types or members.

  • Go to Derived Symbols Control+N, K to list all derived symbols for a type or a member and navigate directly to one of them.

  • Go to Implementation Control+N, K to find actual implementations of types and members bypassing intermediate steps in the inheritance hierarchy.

Last modified: 01 September 2023