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Fold and unfold (collapse/expand) code fragments

Last modified: 21 March 2024

You can collapse (fold) types, members, and other code fragments to a single visible line, hiding the details that are unimportant at the moment. When necessary, folded code fragments can be unfolded (expanded).

Folded code fragments are shown as shaded ellipses (JetBrains Rider: Folded code block in the editor).

If the folded code block contains errors, the ellipses are displayed in red (JetBrains Rider: Folded code block that contains errors) .

To see the contents of a folded block, hover over the folding ellipsis JetBrains Rider: Folded code block in the editor.

JetBrains Rider: Viewing the contents of a folded code block on mouse hover