Injected SQL statements
This functionality relies on the Database Tools and SQL plugin, which is bundled and enabled in JetBrains Rider by default. If the relevant features aren't available, make sure that you didn't disable the plugin.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open the IDE settings and then select Plugins.
Open the Installed tab, find the Database Tools and SQL plugin, and select the checkbox next to the plugin name.
Place the caret inside a string literal, tag, or attribute, in which you want to inject a language and press AltEnter (or use the intention action icon
Select Inject language or reference and choose the language you want to inject.

Place the caret within the injected code piece and press AltEnter (or use the intention action icon
Select Edit <language ID> Fragment.
JetBrains Rider will open a dedicated editor section for editing the code with the injected language. This editor provides full coding assistance, including code completion, inspections, intentions and code style actions.
Place the caret at the code fragment and press AltEnter (or use the intention action icon
Select Uninject language or reference.
To cancel a language injection, you can also delete the injection comment or annotation.
You can configure language injection rules on the Editor | Language Injections page of the IDE settings CtrlAlt0S.
All pre-defined injection rules are configured for the Built-in scope. In other words, they are global (and therefore available in all JetBrains Rider projects). Custom rules can be configured for the IDE or for one project only. To change the scope of custom injections, use the Move to Project/IDE Scope icon .
To configure custom injection rules, click the Add icon to add a new rule, or copy a predefined rule and change its settings.