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Work with solution filters

Last modified: 21 March 2024

When working with large solutions, there may be two general cases where you want to ignore specific projects of a solution and share this state within a team:

  • If some team members only work in specific projects of a large solution, they may benefit from the improved solution load time and overall performance if other projects are filtered out and not loaded. In this case, these team members can use a shared solution filter that only includes the necessary projects.

  • If a large solution consists of a common platform-like codebase and several mostly independent parts built on top of it. In this case, you can create several shared solution filters, each of which includes projects that implement one specific part and the shared platform code, and exclude everything else.

If you want to reduce the number of loaded projects without sharing this state, you can just unload specific projects.

If necessary, you can add and remove projects to and from the solution filter. All changes to the filter will be saved immediately.

You can also add or remove all projects to or from the filter by right-clicking the solution node and choosing Solution Filter | Add Projects or Solution Filter | Remove Projects.