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Type-matching completion

Last modified: 11 February 2024

This command filters the list of types, methods, and variables to match the expected type of expression. It works anywhere as long as JetBrains Rider can determine the expected type of the expression, for example, right-hand sides of assignments, variable initializers, or return statements. If several return types are possible, JetBrains Rider detects the most recently used symbol of an applicable type and automatically selects it in the lookup list. Type-Matching Completion can also suggest creating anonymous delegates, lambda expressions, and regular methods, as well as local variables for out parameters. In addition to that, in object initializers, Type-Matching Completion suggests fields/properties that were not yet assigned a value.

When you use code completion over existing code items, you can either insert the selected completion suggestion before the existing item by pressing Enter or replace the existing identifier with the selected suggestion by pressing Tab. If necessary, you can change the default shortcuts on the Keymap page of JetBrains Rider settings CtrlAlt0S (look for the Choose Lookup Item and Choose Lookup Item Replace actions) .

When you select items in completion lists using keyboard, the selection will jump to the first item after the last item and vice versa. You can disable this behavior by clearing Cyclic scrolling in list on the Appearance and Behavior | Appearance page of JetBrains Rider settings CtrlAlt0S.

You can access code completion settings right from the completion popup — click at the bottom of the popup and select Code Completion Settings.