JetBrains Rider 2024.1 Help

Inplace refactorings

Some of the refactorings can be applied without invoking any commands — it is enough to modify your code in the editor. If JetBrains Rider detects that your modification could be an intention to refactor the code, a grey border appears around the modified code and the corresponding action indicator ThemedIcon.RefactorThis.Screen.(Gray).png appears on the left. You can use this action to apply the refactoring solution-wide.

The following refactorings are available in-place:


You can rename an entity by modifying its declaration right in the editor and then applying a quick-fix to invoke the solution-wide refactoring.

As soon as you change entity's name at its declaration, a grey border appears around the name, notifying you that the refactoring is available. You can press Alt+Enter to find the refactoring in the action list:

JetBrains Rider. Applying Rename refactoring inplace

For more information about the refactoring, refer to Rename refactoring.

Change signature

You can change function's signature by modifying its declaration right in the editor and then applying a quick-fix to invoke the solution-wide refactoring.

For instance, if you reorder parameters in a method, a grey border appears around the method signature, notifying you that the refactoring is available. You can press Alt+Enter to find the refactoring in the action list:

Applying the Change Signature refactoring inline

After applying the quick-fix, a dialog shows your changes to the method signature:

Applying the Change Signature refactoring inline

You can click Next to apply the change solution-wide.

You can also apply the Change Signature refactoring when you add one new argument in any of the function's calls. In this case, JetBrains Rider detects the incorrect call, highlights it and suggests the corresponding quick-fix:

Applying the Change Signature refactoring inline from a method usage

This quick-fix will invoke the refactoring and update the declaration of the function and all its usages solution-wide. If necessary, JetBrains Rider will display a call diagram to pick values for each specific call individually

For more information about the refactoring, refer to Change Signature refactoring.

Last modified: 11 February 2024