Configure: Settings/Preferences | Editor | Natural Languages | Spelling
Inspection: Settings/Preferences | Editor | Inspections | Proofreading | Typo
JetBrains Rider looks for spelling errors in identifier names, string literals, comments, markdown files, and commit messages. For this purpose, JetBrains Rider provides a dedicated Typo inspection which is enabled by default.

Place the caret at a word highlighted by the Typo inspection.
Press AltEnter or click
to the left of the caret to show the available actions.
Select one of the suggested ways to fix the spelling.
In string literals and comments, only the spelling of this particular word at caret changes. For code identifiers, such as variables, functions, classes, and other symbols, the inspection also suggests changing all occurrences via the Rename refactoring.
If a detected typo is actually a valid word, you can add it to a user-defined dictionary that extends built-in dictionaries.
Place the caret at a word highlighted by the Typo inspection.
Press AltEnter or click
to the left of the caret to show the available actions.
Select Save to dictionary to add the word to the user's dictionary and do not report it in the future.
If you have added the word by mistake, press Ctrl0Z to remove it from the dictionary.
By default, JetBrains Rider saves words to the global application-level dictionary. You can choose to save words to the project-level dictionary if the spelling is correct only for this particular project and/or should be shared with the team working on that project. For more information, refer to Select the default dictionary for saving words.
Press AltPg Dn and AltPg Up to step through all problems in the current file, including typos.
You can run the Typo inspection on your entire project or a set of files.
Press CtrlAltShift0I or go to Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection by Name… in the main menu.
In the Enter inspection name popup, find and select the Typo inspection.
In the Run 'Typo' dialog, select the scope in which you want to run the inspection, and other options, such as a file mask filter. Then click OK.
JetBrains Rider will run the Typo inspection on all files in the selected scope and show all found typos in a separate tab of the Problems tool window.
By default, the Typo inspection checks code identifiers, string literals, and comments in all scopes.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | Other Languages.
Expand the Proofreading node and click Typo in the central pane.
In the right-hand pane, configure the Typo inspection:
- Severity
Specify the severity level and the scope in which to apply this level.
For example, if you want typos to stand out more, select Error or Warning to highlight typos similar to syntax errors or warnings in your code.
- Options
Specify the type of content to check:
Process code: check code identifiers , such as names of classes, fields, and methods.
Process literals: check text inside string literals.
Process comments: check text inside comments.
To disable the Typo inspection entirely, clear the checkbox next to it.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Editor | Inspections.
Expand the Proofreading node.
Clear the checkbox next to the Typo inspection.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Version Control | Commit.
In the Commit Message Inspections, clear the Spelling checkbox.
Go to New Projects Setup | Settings for New Projects.
Clear the checkboxes described above. This will affect the projects created or opened for the first time after you save the settings.
JetBrains Rider includes bundled dictionaries for all configured languages. You cannot change them directly, but you can extend the spellchecker in other ways:
Save words to a built-in global or project dictionary.
Add plain-text files with the .dic extension that contain lists of words.
Add Hunspell dictionaries, each of which consists of two files: the DIC file that contains a list of words with the applicable modification rules and the AFF file that lists prefixes and suffixes regulated by a specific modification rule. For example, en_GB.dic and en_GB.aff.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Editor | Natural Languages | Spelling.
Configure the list of custom dictionaries:
To add a new custom dictionary to the list, click
or press Ctrl0N and specify the location of the required file.
To edit the contents of a custom dictionary in JetBrains Rider, select it and click
or press Enter. The corresponding file will open in a new editor tab.
To remove a custom dictionary from the list, select it and click
or press Ctrl0R,0D.
By default, JetBrains Rider saves words to the global application-level dictionary. You can choose to save words to the project-level dictionary if the spelling is correct only for this particular project and/or should be shared with the team working on that project.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Editor | Natural Languages | Spelling.
If you want to choose the dictionary manually every time you save a highlighted word, clear the checkbox next to the Use single dictionary for saving words option.
If you want to save highlighted words on the project level, leave the checkbox selected and choose project-level next to that option.
If you want to save highlighted words in one of the setting layers, choose the corresponding layer. This might be helpful if some of the team members working on the solution use ReSharper.
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Editor | Natural Languages | Spelling.
Add words to the Accepted words list. JetBrains Rider always adds manually accepted words to the project-level dictionary.
You can't add words that are already present in one of the dictionaries and mixed-case words, such as
The Accepted words list also shows words that you saved to any of the built-in dictionaries using the AltEnter menu.
It does not show words added to the shared project-level dictionary by other users and words from other custom dictionaries, but these words will be still ignored by the spellchecker.
JetBrains Rider stores the built-in project-level dictionary in the d.xml file in the .idea subdirectory of your solution directory with other project-related files.
When you share this file with your project team through VCS, other team members using JetBrains Rider will be able to access the dictionary to share the list of ignored words.
To share your application-level dictionary, use the bundled Settings Sync plugin.