JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Fix in scope

Most of quick-fixes can fix the current issue under the caret, but some of them (for example Remove unused directives, Make field read-only, Remove redundant cast, and so on) can also automatically find and fix issues in a larger scope — in the current file, in the current project or in the whole solution.

Apply fix in scope

You can recognize such fix by a small arrow displayed next to it in the action list.

Scalable quick-fix

Apply fix in scope

  1. Place the caret to a code issue highlighted by a JetBrains Rider's inspection.

  2. Press Alt+Enter or click the action indicator to the left of the caret to open the action list.

  3. Choose a quick-fix that you want to apply.

  4. Click the arrow to right of the quick-fix or press the right arrow key to expand the list of available scopes. If there is no arrow to the right of a quick-fix, then this quick-fix only applies locally.

  5. Select the scope for the quick-fix to apply and click it or press Enter.

If necessary, you can undo all that was changed in these files with a single command: choose Edit | Undo in the main menu or press Ctrl+Z.

Fix inconsistent naming in scope

The quick-fix that fixes inconsistent naming, calls the Rename refactoring to make sure that all occurrences of the symbol are renamed in your solution.

Quick-fix for naming style violation

Therefore, when you choose to fix naming in a wider scope, JetBrains Rider displays an additional dialog where you can select items to rename:

Fix in scope: bulk rename

List of quick-fixes that can be applied in wider scope

The full list of quick-fixes that can be applied in wider scopes includes:



  • Structural pattern replace


  • Add 'template' keyword

  • Add 'typename' keyword

  • Apply clang-tidy fix for []

  • Arrange braces

  • Arrange cv-qualifiers

  • Arrange overriding function specifiers

  • Bulk make local var const

  • Bulk make local variable declaration const

  • Bulk make parameter const

  • Bulk make ptr or ref parameter const

  • Change smart pointer to make function

  • Convert to nested namespace definition

  • Convert to nested namespaces

  • Convert to regular return type

  • Convert to trailing return type

  • Delete redundant access specifier

  • Delete redundant specifier

  • Delete redundant typename template keywords keyword

  • Delete redundant zero initializer

  • Join declaration and assignment

  • Make class final

  • Make constexpr

  • Make member function 'const'

  • Make member function 'static'

  • Pass parameter by const reference

  • Remove all unused #include directives in file

  • Remove cast

  • Remove elaborated type specifier

  • Remove redundant conditional expression

  • Remove redundant dereference

  • Remove redundant 'else' keyword

  • Remove redundant initializer

  • Remove redundant lambda parameter list

  • Remove redundant parentheses

  • Remove redundant qualifier

  • Remove redundant template arguments

  • Remove statement

  • Remove unnecessary whitespace

  • Remove unreachable code

  • Remove unused lambda capture

  • Replace expression with 'false'

  • Replace expression with 'nullptr'

  • Replace 'if' with 'if consteval'

  • Replace 'if' with 'if constexpr'

  • Replace import directive

  • Replace redundant binary operator dereference

  • Replace redundant mem access dereference

  • Replace tabs with spaces

  • Replace throw with rethrow

  • Replace with ''

  • Replace with a type alias

  • Replace with a typedef

  • Replace with prefix operator

  • Replace with structured binding

  • Simplify conditional expression

  • Sort #include directives

  • Sort member initializers by the order of initialization

  • Use ''

  • Use 'auto'

  • Use 'contains' member function

  • Use static_cast


  • Add event accessor

  • Add explicit 'return'

  • Add get accessor

  • Add init accessor

  • Add 'new' keyword

  • Add parameter type

  • Add required members initializers

  • Add set accessor

  • Argument style

    Add missing/Remove redundant argument name (see Code Syntax Style: Named/Positional Arguments)

  • Arrange attributes

    Place attributes into single section (see Code Syntax Style: Multiple Attributes)

  • Arrange braces

    Add missing braces/Remove redundant braces (see Code Syntax Style: Braces for Single Nested Statements)

  • Arrange code body

  • Arrange default value

  • Arrange inconsistent qualifier

    (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Member Qualifiers)

  • Arrange namespace body

  • Arrange null checking pattern

  • Arrange object creation

  • Arrange redundant qualifier

    (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Member Qualifiers)

  • Arrange trailing comma

  • Clarify precedence with parentheses

    (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Parentheses)

  • Convert leading escapes to ASCII text

  • Convert to auto-property

    (see Use auto-properties)

  • Convert to primary constructor

  • Convert to raw string

  • Convert to 'switch' expression

  • Convert to using declaration scoped

  • Convert to 'using' statement

  • Convert with expression to object creation

  • Create default constructor

  • Create empty constructor and add member initializers

  • Create matching checked operator

  • Discard parameter

  • Enforce deconstructing declaration style

  • Enforce discard declaration style

  • Extract common property pattern

  • Fix built in type reference style

    use type keyword/CLR type name (see Code Syntax Style: Built-In Type References)

  • Fix nullability mismatch with default parameter value

  • Generate constructor

  • Import extension get enumerator method

  • Import extension get enumerator method popup

  • Import method

    (see Code Syntax Style: Namespace Imports)

  • Import method popup

    Import item and all other references (see Code Syntax Style: Namespace Imports)

  • Import type

    (see Import missing namespaces)

  • Import type quick popup

    (see Import missing namespaces)

  • Inline 'out' variable declaration

  • Inline temporary variable

  • Join declaration and assignment

  • Join null check with assignment

  • Make type not nullable

  • Make abstract

  • Make all uninitialized members 'required'

  • Make anonymous function static

  • Make auto-property get-only

    (see Make auto-properties get-only)

  • Make base virtual

  • Make class abstract

  • Make class non abstract

  • Make class sealed

  • Make field non-readonly

  • Make member required

  • Make must dispose resource

  • Make non abstract

  • Make non readonly

  • Make non sealed

  • Make non static

  • Make non virtual

  • Make non volatile

  • Make null checked parameters nullable

  • Make operator 'public static'

  • Make override

  • Make parameter '<unknown>'

  • Make property init-only

  • Make readonly

    Make fields readonly (see Make fields readonly)

  • Make sealed

  • Make static

  • Make static extern

  • Make virtual

  • Mark nullable

    (see Value and nullability analysis)

  • Merge 'and' pattern

  • Merge conditional expression

  • Merge into pattern

  • Merge nested property patterns

  • Move declaration inside loop condition

  • Move local function to the end of a scope

  • Move to '' namespace

  • N unit make static

  • Override hidden

  • Parenthesize signature

  • Pass string interpolation

  • Put into block

  • Redirect to capturing member

  • Relocate attribute to parameter

  • Remove '()'

    (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Parentheses)

  • Remove 'abstract' keyword

  • Remove argument name specification

    (see Code Syntax Style: Named/Positional Arguments)

  • Remove 'as' operator

  • Remove async and update returns

  • Remove attribute

  • Remove 'Attribute' suffix

  • Remove cast

  • Remove 'Cast<T>' call

  • Remove 'class' keyword

  • Remove 'ConfigureAwait(true)'

  • Remove discard

  • Remove empty region

  • Remove explicit params array creation

  • Remove explicit property

  • Remove global using directive

  • Remove guard clause

  • Remove initializer

  • Remove invalid statement

  • Remove modifier

  • Remove 'new' modifier

  • Remove null checks of value type

  • Remove nullable annotations without '#nullable' context

  • Remove 'override' modifier

  • Remove param type specification

  • Remove 'partial' keyword

  • Remove prohibited modifier(s)

  • Remove property assignment

  • Remove redundant '.WithCancellation'

  • Remove redundant '?'

  • Remove redundant [CallerArgumentExpression] argument(s) value

  • Remove redundant argument(s) value

  • Remove redundant 'ascending'

  • Remove redundant attribute

  • Remove redundant base constructor invocation

  • Remove redundant 'base()'

  • Remove redundant body

  • Remove redundant braces

  • Remove redundant 'catch'

  • Remove redundant comparison

  • Remove redundant condition

  • Remove redundant constructor

  • Remove redundant 'ContainsKey'

  • Remove redundant delegate constructor call

  • Remove redundant else

  • Remove redundant empty statement

  • Remove redundant 'finally' block

  • Remove redundant fixed pointer declaration

  • Remove redundant 'int'

  • Remove redundant 'internal' modifier

    (see Code Syntax Style: Modifiers)

  • Remove redundant 'is'

  • Remove redundant member initializer

  • Remove redundant name

  • Remove redundant 'new'

  • Remove redundant nullable directive

  • Remove redundant parentheses

    (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Parentheses)

  • Remove redundant parenthesis

    (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Parentheses)

  • Remove redundant range bound

  • Remove redundant section

  • Remove redundant signature

  • Remove redundant 'string.Format()' call

    (see Code analysis and helpers for string literals)

  • Remove redundant suppression

  • Remove redundant 'ToCharArray()'

  • Remove redundant 'ToString'

    (see Code analysis and helpers for string literals)

  • Remove redundant true pattern

  • Remove redundant tuple component name

  • Remove redundant type arguments

  • Remove redundant type specification

  • Remove redundant verbatim prefix

  • Remove 'scoped' keyword

  • Remove 'sealed' keyword

  • Remove semicolon

  • Remove statement

  • Remove subpattern

  • Remove 'unchecked' expression

  • Remove unnecessary whitespace

  • Remove 'unsafe' modifier

  • Remove unused directives in file

  • Remove unused label

  • Remove unused nullable directive

  • Remove unused var

  • Remove 'virtual' keyword

  • Rename all-underscore parameter

  • Rename to ''

  • Replace cast with explicit variable type

  • Replace cast with lambda return type

  • Replace cast with type arguments

  • Replace casts with pattern variable

  • Replace tabs with spaces

  • Replace 'unsafe' statement with its body

  • Replace with ''

  • Replace with access to last element '^1'

  • Replace with constant pattern

  • Replace with count access

  • Replace with 'field' keyword

  • Replace with JetBrains.Annotations attribute

  • Replace with primary constructor parameter

  • Replace with string content check

  • Rethrow exception

  • Separate statements with blank line

  • Simplify negated pattern

  • Simplify negated relational pattern

  • Simplify raw string

  • Simplify with 'GetValueOrDefault'

  • Simplify with single 'Add'

  • Simplify with single 'Remove'

  • Simplify with 'TryAdd'

  • Simplify with 'TryGetValue'

  • Sort modifiers

    (see Code Syntax Style: Modifiers)

  • Specify attribute target

  • Split string after hexadecimal escape

  • Swap via deconstruction

  • To compound assignment

  • To computed property

  • To conditional expression

  • To explicit field declaration

  • To extension method invocation

  • To null-coalescing compound assignment

  • To regular string

  • To string literal

  • Unwrap from async await

  • Unwrap from delegate creation

  • Use annotation syntax

  • Use 'ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull'

  • Use array empty method

  • Use array initializer

  • Use async overload

  • Use 'await using'

  • Use base class qualifier

  • Use collection expression

  • Use collection initializer

  • Use compiler attributes

  • Use conditional access

  • Use 'ConfigureAwait(false)'

  • Use discard assignment

  • Use 'EventArgs.Empty'

  • Use explicit type

    - Use 'var' or explicit type depending on the code style settings.

  • Use index from end expression

  • Use 'nameof' expression

  • Use negated pattern

  • Use null check pattern

  • Use null propagation

  • Use nullable short form

  • Use null-coalescing expression

  • Use object initializer

  • Use pattern matching

  • Use positional deconstruction pattern

  • Use range indexer

  • Use span type for stack alloc

  • Use string interpolation

  • Use symbol alias

  • Use ToArray()

  • Use type annotation syntax

  • Use 'Type.EmptyTypes'

  • Use unsigned right shift operator '>>>'

  • Use UTF-8 string literal

  • Use 'var' pattern

  • Use 'with' expression

  • Wrap with constructor

  • Wrap with lambda


  • Add/change quotes


  • Add explicit 'null'

  • Add missing comma

  • Add/change quotes

  • Convert to template string

  • Fix property name

  • Make all variables from this list block-scope

  • Move variable '' to inner block

  • Remove unexpected comma

  • Rename to ''

  • Terminate all unterminated statements in file


  • Change public modifier to conform style

  • Change to ECMAScript 6 'export default'

  • Convert cast to 'as' operator

  • Convert to ECMAScript 6 import statement

  • Fix relative path style

  • Js2 ts transformation

  • Remove redundant qualifier

  • Remove redundant reference comment

  • Remove redundant type specification

  • Remove unused 'import'

  • Specify '' explicitly

  • Specify variable type explicitly


  • Discard parameter

  • Import type

    (see Import missing namespaces)

  • Import type quick popup

    (see Import missing namespaces)

  • Make abstract

  • Make auto-property get-only

    (see Make auto-properties get-only)

  • Make class sealed

  • Make non readonly

  • Make non static

  • Make non virtual

  • Make not inheritable

  • Make property init-only

  • Make readonly

    Make fields readonly (see Make fields readonly)

  • Make static

  • Move to '' namespace

  • Pass string interpolation

  • Remove 'ByVal' modifier

  • Remove redundant element

  • Remove redundant 'imports' in file

  • Remove redundant qualifier

  • Remove unused label

  • Remove unused var

  • Rename to ''

  • To implicitly typed

  • Use string interpolation

  • V b make readonly

    Make field read-only (see Make fields readonly)


  • Remove element

  • Rename to ''

Last modified: 11 February 2024