JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Code Inspections in MongoJS

This topic lists all JetBrains Rider code inspections available in MongoJS.

You can toggle specific inspections or change their severity level on the Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | Other Languages page of settings  Ctrl+Alt+S.



Default Severity

Deprecated element

Reports usages of deprecated methods in MongoDB and JavaScript code.

The quick-fix replaces deprecated methods with recommended alternatives.



After the quick-fix is applied:


Warning Warning

Resolution problems

Reports unresolved references in MongoDB and JavaScript code.


db use foo -- a reference to a non-existing collection db.non_existing_collection db['non_existing_collection'] db['non_existing_collection'].find().hasNext()

The non_existing_collection collection does not exist in the database and will be reported.

Warning Warning

Statement with side effects

Reports statements that can cause side effects while the data source is in read-only mode.

For more information about enabling read-only mode, refer to Enable read-only mode for a connection in the IDE documentation.

The Disable read-only mode quick-fix turns off the read-only mode for the respective data source.



Warning Warning

Last modified: 11 February 2024