JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Analyze Process Dumps

Sometimes, for example, in the case of a production web server, it may not be possible to install a profiler on a computer and get a regular memory snapshot. Typically, your last resort in such a case is a raw memory dump. dotMemory lets you import and analyze the dumps as regular snapshots: involving all product features and views.

Supported frameworks

Supported OSs

  • Windows: .NET Framework 4.5 or later, .NET Core 1.0 or later, .NET 5 or later

  • Linux: .NET Core 3.1 or later, .NET 5 or later

  • macOS: not supported

  • Windows: x86, x64

  • Linux: x64, arm64

  • macOS: not supported

Get a process memory dump

  • You can get a memory dump with a number of tools. The two most popular ones are Task Manager (comes with the operating system) and Process Explorer.

    Important: When getting a dump of a 32-bit application with Task Manager, make sure you use a 32-bit version of the tool. You can find it in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskmgr.exe.

  • dotMemory supports memory dumps created using the gcore and dotnet-dump tools. For example, to get a dump of a process with the 1234 PID:

    sudo gcore 1234


    dotnet-dump collect -p 1234

Import a process memory dump

  1. Open the dotMemory Profiler tool window.

  2. Open the Recent Workspaces tab.

  3. Click Open memory dump Import Process Dump.

  4. In the opened dialog, select the desired workspace file and click Open. After this, the imported dump will be converted into a regular dotMemory workspace.

Last modified: 11 July 2024