JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help


On this page, you can adjust general preferences of C++ support in JetBrains Rider.


Enable C++/CLI support

By default, JetBrains Rider will work in C++/CLI code. If you notice some problems there, you can disable this feature.

Show popups for import actions

If you use a symbol that is defined in the standard libraries or elsewhere in your solution, JetBrains Rider helps you add the missing #include directives automatically:

If the checkbox is not selected, the corresponding action will be available in the action list when you press Alt+Enter.

Enable inspections, quick fixes, and context actions in files external to the solution

By default, code inspection, quick-fixes, and context actions are available in all solution files. If necessary, you can enable these features in external files referenced from the solution with this checkbox.

Project model

Use command line-based C++ compilation properties when reading them from MSBuild

When this option is enabled, JetBrains Rider runs the 'GetCICommandLines' target and parses the result to get the properties of you C++ project.

Severity of inspections inside template code

Treat resolve errors as warnings in template code

This option lets you decrease severity of errors in C++ templates. By default, this option is enabled.

Last modified: 13 August 2024