JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Settings: EF Core UI

On this settings page, you can configure preferences related to visual interface for EF Core commands.




Autofill general options

When this checkbox is selected, JetBrains Rider automatically fills most of the fields (excluding fields that may contain sensitive information) in the Entity Framework Core action dialogs.

Autofill additional options

When this checkbox is selected, JetBrains Rider automatically fills connection strings and related options in the Entity Framework Core dialogs.

Be careful when using this option. When connection strings are automatically filled, a wrong connection string might be accidentally used for non-local database modifications.

Clear Stored Options

JetBrains Rider uses secure storage for autofill options. Use this button to clear the storage.




Execute commands in terminal

When this checkbox is selected, JetBrains Rider opens a new terminal tab for each command executed from the Entity Framework Core dialogs.

Last modified: 25 April 2024