JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Godot Engine

Use this settings page to configure preferences for Godot projects.

GDScript support

LSP server connection:

Select one of the following options:

  • Automatically start headless LSP server — select this option if the Godot editor is not running when you are working with GdScript files.

  • Attempt to connect to the running Godot editor — select this option if the Godot editor is normally running when you are working with GdScript files.

  • Never use LSP — select this option if you want to disable coding assistance features in GdScript files or if you are using another plugin for that.

Use a random port

Select this option if you are using Godot 4.3 or later and work with several projects. JetBrains Rider will be able to initialize multiple LSP connections on different ports.


Extend value rendering

When this option is enabled, JetBrains Rider customizes presentations of C# objects in the debugger views:

  • It adds the Current Scene nodes where relevant.

  • For inheritors of Godot.Node, it adds the Children node.

Last modified: 12 July 2024