Integrated toolsVersion controlGitGitHow to efficiently use Git integration in JetBrains RiderSet up a Git repositoryClone a repository or put your local project under Git version controlManage Git branchesCreate, rename, check out, and compare branchesSync with a remote repositorySync with a remote Git repository (fetch, pull, update)Update a branch or a whole projectCommit and push changes to Git repositoryShare the results of your workMerge, rebase, or cherry-pick to apply changesIntegrate your changes from one branch into anotherResolve Git conflictsUse JetBrains Rider tools for resolving conflicts locallyWork with changesAdd files to Git and track changesTrack changes to a file in the editorUndo changes in Git repositoryRevert uncommitted or pushed changesGroup changes into changelistsManage local changes before committing them to a repositoryShelve or stash changesShelve or stash your pending changesView and edit historyInvestigate changes in Git repositoryEnable annotations and trace back all changes in the log tabEdit Git project historyEdit commit messages, amend, squash, and drop commitsCompare file and folder versions using Diff viewerExamine the differences between two revisions of a file/folderReview codeWork with GitHub pull requestsCreate, review, comment, and merge pull requestsWork with GitLab merge requestsCreate, review, comment, and accept merge requests