Coverage analysis of .NET code
Last modified: 17 June 2024JetBrains Rider integrates with dotCover to provide code coverage features in .NET code.
Availability of dotCover features in JetBrains Rider
Note that not all dotCover features are available in JetBrains Rider 2025.1.
Available | Not yet available |
Supported operating systems and frameworks on x86 and x64 CPUs
Windows | macOS | Linux | |
.NET Framework 1.0 – 4.8 | Available in: JetBrains Rider, Visual Studio, standalone, console tool | |
.NET Core 2.0 – 3.1 .NET 5 – 7 | Available in: JetBrains Rider, Visual Studio, standalone, console tool | Available in: JetBrains Rider, console tool |
Mono 5.10 and later | Available in: JetBrains Rider, console tool | Available in: JetBrains Rider, console tool Notes:
Unity 2018.3 and later | Available in: JetBrains Rider, console tool | Available in: JetBrains Rider, console tool |
Installation and licensing
dotCover is provided as a single bundled plugin for JetBrains Rider, which is added and enabled automatically during the IDE installation. If you want to disable the plugin, open the Plugins settings page CtrlAlt0S, switch to the Installed tab and clear the checkbox next to dotCover.
dotCover is only available in Rider for the owners of dotUltimate or All Products Pack subscriptions.