JetBrains Rider 2024.3 Help

Code Inspections in Properties files

This topic lists all JetBrains Rider code inspections available in Properties files.

You can toggle specific inspections or change their severity level on the Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | Other Languages settings page  Ctrl+Alt+S.



Default Severity

Duplicate property

Reports duplicate property keys with different values, duplicate keys, or duplicate property values.


property1=value; property2=value;

The Options list allows selecting the area in which the inspection should search for duplicates.


Properties file or resource bundle is alphabetically unsorted

Reports alphabetically unsorted resource bundles or .properties files.


Property key/value delimiter doesn't match code style settings

Reports properties in which key or value delimiters do not match code style settings.

Weak Warning Weak warning

Three dot characters instead of the ellipsis

Reports three "dot" characters which are used instead of the ellipsis character for UTF-8 properties files.


Trailing spaces in property

Reports properties whose keys or values end with a whitespace.

Warning Warning

Unused property

Reports properties that are not referenced outside of the .properties file they are contained in.

Warning Warning

Last modified: 11 February 2024