RiderFlow 2022.2 Help

Search Everywhere

With RiderFlow, you can quickly search for anything in your project. You can use a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+N by default) to bring up the search popup window. By default, it will show recent files, such as recently opened scenes. When you begin typing, other files will show up in the list as well. You can use the slider in the Results window to change the view. The slider allows you to view the results as a list or to get a preview. Click on an item to highlight it in the editor and navigate.

You will see several tabs in the popup window:

  • All: Search everywhere.

  • Hierarchy: Search GameObjects in Scenes.

  • Files: Search for assets (scripts, prefabs, models, materials, etc.).

  • Actions: Search throughout the Unity interface for all actions you can invoke.

To move the Search Everywhere popup, drag the bar panel (any area outside tabs and controls)

To close the Search Everywhere popup, press ESC or switch to a scene or another window with a mouse click.

Find an asset or a scene GameObject location in Unity

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+N or choose RiderFlow | Search Everywhere from the Unity menu.

  2. Type the name of an asset or a scene GameObject, or part of the name.

  3. Click once on one of the objects being shown.

  4. Unity will highlight the current scene GameObject or asset location.

Open asset or scene GameObject location in Unity

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+N or choose RiderFlow | Search Everywhere from the Unity menu.

  2. Type the name of an asset or a scene GameObject, or part of the name.

  3. Double-click on one of the objects being shown.

  4. Selected objects will be opened. For example, scripts are opened in the external script editor, prefabs are opened in the Unity preview window, and so on. Unity menu items will be run.

Look at an asset preview

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+N or choose RiderFlow | Search Everywhere from the Unity menu.

  2. Choose the Files tab. You can either click it or switch to it by pressing Tab.

  3. Type the name of an asset or a scene GameObject, or part of the name.

  4. Click once on one of the objects being shown.

  5. Unity will highlight the current asset location and if the asset has a preview, it will be shown on the right; otherwise, its icon will be shown. You can rotate the preview of .prefab, .fbx or .mat assets with the mouse. When .wav is selected, you can play it by clicking on the preview.

Find an asset or a scene GameObject with applied filters or scopes

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+N or choose RiderFlow | Search Everywhere from the Unity menu.

  2. Choose the desired tab. You can apply filters with the funnel icon on the toolbar or select scopes with the dropdown.

  3. Type the name of an asset or part of the name.

  4. Only items that conform to the selected filters or scopes are shown.

    • In the All tab, you can filter by search areas (Recent Files, Current Scene, Other Scenes, Asset Files, Menu, Settings).

    • In the Hierarchy tab, you can specify the scope for a search (All, Current scene, Selected GameObject, or its children).

    • In the Files tab, you can specify the scope for file properties (All, Draggable files, Editor files) and apply the filter by file extensions.

    • In the Actions tab, you can specify the scope for action availability (All, Enabled actions) and apply the filter by Unity main menu items.

Drag and drop assets from Search Everywhere to Scene.

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+N or choose RiderFlow | Search Everywhere from the Unity menu.

  2. Type the name of an asset or part of the name.

  3. Drag and drop assets from the list of matching items to the scene.

  4. If the asset is a prefab, a new GameObject will appear on the scene. If an asset is a script, material, or sound, then you can only drag and drop such assets to an existing GameObject on the scene.

  5. If you want to see only draggable assets, then you need to choose the Files tab and Draggable object scope.

Last modified: 23 November 2022