RubyMine 2021.1 Help



Add space before '('Add space before the opening parenthesis (().
Space within parenthesesAdd a space after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis.
Place comma to beginMove a comma to a new line.
Space before commaAdd a space before a comma.
Space after commaAdd a space after a comma.

Binary expression

Use spaces around operatorsAdd a space before and after an operator.
Align operands in binary expressions

Align operands in binary expressions.

Space between parenthesized sub-expressionsAdd a space after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis in sub-expressions.

Function or procedure call

Space within parenthesesAdd a space after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis
Space before commaAdd a space before a comma.
Space after commaAdd a space after a comma.

CASE clause

Wrap WHENMove WHEN to a new line.
Indent WHEN if wrappedAdd an indent before WHEN if the Wrap WHEN option is selected.
Wrap THENMove THEN to a new line.
Align THENAlign all THEN keywords in CASE clauses.
Align ELSE under THEN when THEN alignedAlign ELSE under THEN when THEN is aligned.
Align END

Align END in CASE clauses.

  • Align with CASE: align END with CASE keyword.

  • Align with WHEN: align END with CASE keyword.

  • To end: move END at the end of code section to the same line.

Keep new line after THEN, ELSEAdd a new line after THEN and ELSE.
Collapse short clause

Join multiline short clauses. The length of a clause that will be collapsed is determined automatically by RubyMine.

Last modified: 08 March 2021