Users and roles
Different databases use concepts of users and roles to manage the permissions in your databases. Both of them are used for access control and define a set of permissions. Consult with the documentation of your database vendor what type of concept the database uses for access control. In some databases, a role can be a user that has the login right.
Create users and roles
In the Database tool window ( ), right-click a data source node and navigate to .
For some databases, you need to specify a database where you want to create a role or a user. In this case, you must expand the data source tree to the database node, right-click the database node and select
.Select the necessary database settings. In the Preview pane, you can change the generated SQL code.
Click OK.
To see your changes, press Ctrl+F5.
Configure privileges and roles for user accounts
In the Database tool window ( ), right-click a table and select Modify Table.
Configure GRANT privileges for objects
In the Database tool window ( ), right-click an object and select Modify Object.
On the Grants tab, click the Add button ().
In the user field, type the username. You can press Ctrl+Space to use code completion in this field.
Click the grant field, from the drop-down near each privilege, select Grant or Grant with option. The Grant with option privilege means that a user can grant to or revoke from other users those privileges.
Grant permissions to objects in user accounts
In the Database tool window ( ), right-click a user account and select Modify Object.
In the Grants section of the Modify dialog, add () or remove () permissions to database objects.
You can use auto-completion for database objects.
Click the grant field, from the drop-down near each privilege, select Grant or Grant with option. The Grant with option privilege means that a user can grant to or revoke from other users those privileges.