RubyMine 2021.3 Help

Configure JavaScript libraries

In RubyMine, a library is a file or a set of files whose functions and methods are added to RubyMine's internal knowledge in addition to the functions and methods that RubyMine retrieves from the project code that you edit. In the scope of a project, its libraries by default are write-protected.

RubyMine reserves two predefined auto-generated library folders:

Using TypeScript community stubs (TypeScript definition files)

In RubyMine, DefinitelyTyped stubs can be configured and used as libraries, which is in particular helpful in the following cases:

  • To improve code completion, resolve symbols for a library or a framework that is too sophisticated for RubyMine static analysis, and add type information for such symbols.

  • To resolve globally defined symbols from test frameworks.

The example below shows a piece of code from an Express application where the post() function is not resolved:


RubyMine successfully resolves post() after you install the suggested TypeScript definition file:


RubyMine lets you download TypeScript definition files right from the editor, using an intention action, or you can do it on the Settings: JavaScript Libraries page.

Download TypeScript definitions using an intention action

  • Position the caret at the require statement with this library or framework, press Alt+Enter, and choose Install TypeScript definitions for better type information:


    RubyMine downloads the type definitions for the library and adds them to the list of libraries on the JavaScript. Libraries page:

    Type definitions library added to the list

Download TypeScript definitions in the Settings/Preferences dialog

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Libraries.

  2. On the Settings: JavaScript Libraries page that opens, click Download and in the Download Library dialog that opens, select the required library, and click Download and Install.

    Add TypeScript definition file

RubyMine shows the downloaded type definitions in the Project tool window, under the External Libraries node.

Downloaded type definitions are shown under the External libraries node


Configuring Node.js Core library

To get code completion and reference resolution for fs, path, http, and other core modules that are compiled into the Node.js binary, you need to configure the Node.js Core module sources as a JavaScript library.

Configure Node.js Core

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages and Frameworks | Node.js.

  2. Select the Coding assistance for Node.js checkbox.

    Note that the Node.js Core library is version-specific. So if you change the version of your Node.js on the Node.js page, you need to select the checkbox again. After that RubyMine creates a new library for this new version.

Configuring node_modules library

To provide code completion for project dependencies, RubyMine creates a node_modules library automatically so Node.js modules are kept in your project but no inspections are run against them, which improves performance.


In the Project tool window, the node_modules is also marked as a library:


However, the node_modules library contains only the modules that are listed in the dependencies object of your project package.json file. RubyMine does not include the dependencies of dependencies into the node_modules library but actually excludes them from the project.

Configuring the scope of a library

From time to time you may notice that RubyMine suggests irrelevant completion, for example, Node.js APIs in your client-side code. This happens because by default RubyMine uses a library for completion in the entire project folder. RubyMine lets you tune code completion by configuring scopes for libraries.

Configure the scope of a library

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Libraries.

  2. The Settings: JavaScript Libraries page that opens shows a list of all the already available libraries.

  3. Select the required library, clear the Enabled checkbox next to it, and click Manage Scopes. The JavaScript Libraries. Usage Scope dialog opens.

  4. Click icons.general.add.png and select the files or folders that you want to include in the library scope. RubyMine brings you back to the JavaScript Libraries Usage Scopes dialog where the Path field shows the selected files or folders.

  5. For each added file or a folder, from the Library list, select the library which you are configuring.

Example: Configuring the scope for HTML and Node.js Core libraries

When working on a full-stack JavaScript application in RubyMine, you often notice that code completion suggests some Node.js APIs in your client-side code and DOM APIs in the Node.js code. This happens because the HTML library with DOM APIs and the Node.js Core library with Node.js APIs are by default enabled in the whole project. To get rid of irrelevant completion suggestions, you need to configure the scope for these libraries.

Configure the scopes of the HTML and Node.js Core libraries

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Libraries.

  2. The Settings: JavaScript Libraries page opens showing all the libraries that are configured for the current project.

  3. Clear the Enabled checkboxes next to HTML and Node.js Core items.

  4. Click Manages Scopes. The JavaScript Libraries Usage Scopes dialog opens.

  5. To configure the scope for the HTML library, click icons.general.add.png, select the folders with the client-side code, and then choose HTML from the Library list.

  6. To configure the scope for the Node.js Core library, click icons.general.add.png again, select the folders with the server-side code, and choose Node.js Core from the Libraries list.


    Now RubyMine resolves items from the HTML and Node.js Core libraries and suggests them in completion only in files from these chosen project folders.

In the same way, you can configure the scope of the automatically created node_modules library, see Configuring node_modules library.

Configuring a library added via a CDN link

When a library .js file is referenced through a CDN link, it is available for the runtime but is invisible for RubyMine. To add the objects from such library .js file to completion lists, download the file and configure it as an external library.

Download a library

  • Position the caret at the CDN link to the library, press Alt+Enter, and choose Download library from the list:

    Intention action: download CDN library

    The library is downloaded to RubyMine cache (but not into your project) and a popup with an information message appears:

    CDN library added

    On the JavaScript Libraries page, the downloaded library is added to the list and enabled it in the scope of the current project:

    CDN library added to the list

    In the Project tool window, the library is shown under the External Libraries node:

    Downloaded CDN library is shown under the External Libraries node

Change the visibility of a library

  • By default, RubyMine marks the downloaded library as Global, which means that you can enable and re-use it in any other RubyMine project. To change this default setting, select the downloaded library in the list, click Edit, and choose Project in the Edit Library dialog that opens.


Configuring a custom third-party JavaScript library

Suppose you have a JavaScript framework file in your project or elsewhere on your machine and you want RubyMine to treat it as a library and not just as your project code that you edit.

Configure a custom library

  1. Download the required framework file.

  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Libraries.

  3. On the Settings: JavaScript Libraries page that opens, click Add. The New Library dialog opens.

  4. Specify the name of the external JavaScript library, click icons.general.add.png, and choose Attach File or Attach Directory from the list.

    Configure custom library: Add files/folders

    In the dialog that opens, select the file or folder with the downloaded framework.

    Configure custom library: library added

    When you cick OK, you return to the Settings: JavaScript Libraries page where the new library is added to the list.

    The new custom library is added to the list

In the Project tool window, the library is shown under the External Libraries node.

A custom library is shown under the external Libraries node


  • By default, the library is Global, which means that you can attach it to any other project. To suppress re-using a library, choose Project in the New Library dialog.

  • By default, the library is enabled in the scope of the whole current project. You can change this default setting as described in Configuring the scope of a library.

  • In the Documentation URLs area, specify the path to the official documentation of the library or framework. RubyMine will open this URL when you press Shift+F1 on a symbol from this library.

Viewing the libraries associated with a file

  • Open the file in the editor or select it in the Project view and click the Hector icon on the Status bar. RubyMine opens a popup that lists the libraries associated with the current file. To change the list, click the Libraries in scope links and edit the scope settings in the Manage Scope dialog that opens.

  • Alternatively, open the file in the editor and choose Use JavaScript Library from the context menu. RubyMine opens a list with the available configured libraries. The libraries associated with the current file are marked with a tick.

    • To remove the current file from a library's scope, clear the checkbox next to this library.

    • To associate a library with the current file, select the checkbox next to this library.

Deleting a library

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Libraries.

  2. The Settings: JavaScript Libraries page opens showing a list of all the already available libraries.

  3. Select the required library and click Remove.

Last modified: 13 October 2021