RubyMine 2021.3 Help


Use this page to customize the appearance of the editor.

Caret blinking (ms)

Select this checkbox to make the caret blink with the specified period (in milliseconds).

Use block caret

Select this checkbox to have the block caret applied in the Insert mode and the usual caret applied in the Overwrite mode. Clear this checkbox to have the usual caret applied in the Insert mode and the block caret applied in the Overwrite mode.

Show hard wrap and visual guides (configured in Code Style options)

Select this checkbox to have a thin vertical line at the right margin of the editor displayed. Refer to the description of the Code Style settings.

Show line numbers

Select this checkbox to have line numbering shown in the editor gutter.

Show method separators

Select this checkbox to have thin lines displayed in classes, scripts or RSpec, TestUnit and SpecTest tests to separate methods and examples.

Show whitespaces

Select this checkbox to have RubyMine display whitespaces or tabs (depending on the Code Style settings).

You can select the following options:

  • Leading: select this checkbox to add whitespaces before your code line.

  • Inner: select this checkbox to display whitespaces inside the line of your code.

  • Trailing: select this checkbox to display whitespaces after the code line.

Show indent guides

Select this checkbox to display vertical lines in the editor to indicate positions of indents and thus facilitate typing, manual formatting, reading, and maintaining code.

Show intention bulb

Whenever RubyMine detects that your code can be modified or improved, a light bulb icon appears on the current line in the editor: the Intention action icon for intention actions and the Quick-fix icon for quick-fixes. Clear this checkbox if you don't want to see these icons. You can still access the list of available actions and quick-fixes by pressing Alt+Enter.

Show code lens on scrollbar hover

Select this checkbox to enable the lens mode.

Render documentation comments

Select this checkbox to always render documentation comments as text paragraphs with proper formatting and links right in the editor. Rendered comments are easier to read, and they don't overload your code with extra tags.

Enable HTML/XML tag tree highlighting

Select this checkbox to show the hierarchy of tags highlighted with different colors. If this option is enabled, you can define the following options:

  • Levels to highlight: specify the depth of hierarchy to be highlighted.

  • Opacity: specify brightness of highlighting

Tags highlighting

Highlighting is activated when there is more than one tag with the same name in the hierarchy.

Show CSS color preview as background

If this checkbox is selected, the background of the color value shows the color preview:

Showing CSS color preview in the background

By default, RubyMine also shows color preview icons in the gutter. Clicking such icon invokes the Color Picker where you can change the color value.

Click color gutter icon to open the color picker

To hide these gutter icons, clear the Color preview checkbox on the Gutter Icons page.

See alsoChanging color values.

Highlight RDoc and ruby in comments

If this checkbox is selected, the keywords are highlighted in comments. Otherwise, they are displayed as plain text.

Changing state of this checkbox takes effect upon RubyMine restart only.

Show closing labels in Dart source code

This feature is only supported, when the Dart plugin is installed!

By default, RubyMine inserts autogenerated comments (closing labels) after the closing parentheses of objects within the build() method in Dart code. Clear the checkbox to suppress adding closing labels.

Last modified: 26 August 2021