RubyMine 2021.3 Help

View source file structure

RubyMine allows you to examine the high-level structure of the opened file using the Structure tool window Alt+7. You can use this tool window to quickly navigate between methods or tests in Ruby files, elements in HTML files, and so on.

Structure view

Toolbar icons of the Structure tool window



Sort Alphabetically

Sort Alphabetically: sort the list alphabetically.

Instance variable

Show Variables: show instance and class variables.

Show Inherited

Show Inherited: display all the methods and fields inherited by the current class and accessible from it.

Show Migration Fields

Show Migration Fields: show database fields from db/schema.rb for a currently opened model file.

Navigate with Single Click

Navigate with Single Click: navigate to a declaration of the item in the source code when you select the item in the Structure tool window.

Always Select Opened Element

Always Select Opened Element: navigate to the item in the Structure tool window when you click the item declaration in the source code.

Last modified: 11 October 2021