FAQ about Code With Me
Last modified: 09 August 2022For questions about the Code With Me security, refer to security FAQ.
What is Code With Me?
Code With Me is a plugin for RubyMine and other JetBrains IDEs (except for Rider and DataGrip for now) that enables you to collaboratively review, edit, and debug code with your colleagues in real time.
Since version 2021.1, the Code With Me plugin comes as a bundled one in the supported IDEs; you don't need to install it manually.
In RubyMine 2020.3, the Code With Me plugin can be downloaded.
In RubyMine 2021.1 and later, the Code With Me plugin is bundled with RubyMine and activated by default. If the plugin is disabled, enable it on the Installed tab of the Settings/Preferences | Plugins page, as described in Managing plugins.
What are the RubyMine requirements for working with Code With Me?
The Code With Me plugin is compatible with RubyMine 2020.3 and later.
Do I need RubyMine, RubyMine license, or the same IDE to connect?
As a host, you need to have the RubyMine license and the RubyMine version 2020.3 or later installed on your machine with the Code With Me plugin installed.
As a guest, you only need an invitation link. After you open the link in your browser, JetBrains Client (a free lightweight application based on IntelliJ platform) will be automatically downloaded and you can join the corresponding Code With Me session.
What is downloaded when I open an invitation link?
When you open an invitation link in your browser, JetBrains Client (a free lightweight application based on IntelliJ platform) is automatically downloaded.
Do I need to activate my Code With Me license?
If you are using your JetBrains account or an offline activation code to register you IDE, you license will be applied to the Code With Me plugin automatically.
If you are using a license server to register the IDE, the Code With Me plugin needs to be activated manually.
For more information on how to activate the Code With Me license, refer to Code With Me license.
Where can I find information on how to use Code With Me?
The information on how to use Code With Me is available here.
Where can I find information about on-premises Code With Me setup
The information about quick Code With Me setup is available here.
If you need information for full environment servers' setup, refer to Code With Me administration guide
I don't have the same IDE as the person who invited me. Can I connect from a different IDE ?
No IDE is required to connect as a guest, you only need an invitation link. After you open the link in your browser, a free lightweight client application will be automatically downloaded and you can join the Code With Me session.
What are the basic supported scenarios and capabilities of Code With Me?
The host can start a session to invite other participants (guests) and share project code with them. Session participants either follow each other or navigate the code independently. The session participants can edit code located on the host’s computer. The host can start a debugging session and share its state and actions.
What is the maximum number of participants that can join one session?
The number of concurrent participants in the Code With Me session depends on the license you have.
Does Code With Me support plugins?
Plugins that perform customization of the IDE are supported. The guest cannot download and enable any language or framework related plugins.
Is Code With Me compatible with other editors such as VSCode, Vim, Emacs, and so on?
No, but as a guest, you can customize your local environment and add a keymap of your choice by installing and enabling the needed plugin.
What are the minimum/recommended system requirements for Code With Me?
The minimum and recommended requirements can be found here.
However, for guests only a lightweight client application is downloaded, so the requirements for disk space and computer resources are lower than for a host.
How do I use Code With Me behind proxy?
If you work in a local network, you can bypass proxy restrictions by using a private on-premises server.
As an alternative, you can add the following urls to the allowed addresses:
What are the current limitations for working with Code With Me?
Not all the tool windows are available for the guests. For example, the Gradle and Maven tool windows are not yet supported.
How can I disable Code With Me?
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Plugins.
Switch to the Installed tab and locate the Code With Me plugin in the list of the installed plugins.
in the plugin description area and select Disable, then click OK and restart RubyMine.
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