Run SQL files
This page describes how to run SQL files using the Database tools and SQL plugin. For the information on how to run applications and other files, refer to Run applications.
SQL files are run against the selected databases or schemas using run configurations. Depending on your purposes, you can run SQL files using one of the following ways:
Create new run configurations or edit the existing ones via a run configuration widget.
Create new run configurations via Project tool window by running the selected file.
For your SQL files to appear in the Project tool window, attach the directory with them to your project.
Create new run configurations via Database tool window by running a file against the selected database or schema.
Open the Run/Debug Configuration dialog in one of the following ways:
Select Run | Edit Configurations from the main menu.
With the Navigation bar visible (View | Appearance | Navigation Bar), choose Edit Configurations from the run/debug configuration selector.
Press AltShiftF10 and then press 00.
In the Run/Debug Configuration dialog, you can either create a new run configuration or edit an existing one.
To create a new run configuration, click the Add New Configuration icon (
) and select Database Script.
To edit an existing run configuration, expand the Database Script node and select the run configuration that you want to edit from the list.
The fields that appear in the right-hand pane display the settings for the selected configuration type.
Target data source / schema: databases or schemas against which you want to run your database scripts. This setting is dialect-dependent.
If you select a data source as a target, RubyMine displays a schema in which the script will be run. It is the default schema.
Script files: SQL files that you want to run. To add files, click the Add button (
) and navigate to files that you want to run. If a script contains schema switching, you will see a warning (
Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
To run the configuration, click the Run <configuration_name> button (
In the Project tool window (View | Tool Windows | Project), right-click the SQL file that you want to run, and select Run '<file_name>'. Alternatively, press AltShift0R.
Select the settings for your run configuration.
Target data source / schema: databases or schemas against which you want to run your database scripts. This setting is dialect-dependent.
If you select a data source as a target, RubyMine displays a schema in which the script will be run. It is the default schema.
Script files: SQL files that you want to run. To add files, click the Add button (
) and navigate to files that you want to run. If a script contains schema switching, you will see a warning (
Click Run.
In the Database tool window ( View | Tool Windows | Database) , right-click a data source, or a schema and select SQL Scripts | Run SQL Script….
In the file browser window that opens, navigate to the SQL file that you want to run and click Open.
Select the settings for your run configuration.
Target data source / schema: databases or schemas against which you want to run your database scripts. This setting is dialect-dependent.
If you select a data source as a target, RubyMine displays a schema in which the script will be run. It is the default schema.
Script files: SQL files that you want to run. To add files, click the Add button (
) and navigate to files that you want to run. If a script contains schema switching, you will see a warning (
Click Run.
Open the Project tool window, navigate to the SQL file, and select it.
Drag the SQL file to the data source or schema in Database tool window that you want to run it against.
Select the settings for your run configuration.
Target data source / schema: databases or schemas against which you want to run your database scripts. This setting is dialect-dependent.
If you select a data source as a target, RubyMine displays a schema in which the script will be run. It is the default schema.
Script files: SQL files that you want to run. To add files, click the Add button (
) and navigate to files that you want to run. If a script contains schema switching, you will see a warning (
Click Run.
On top of running applications from the editor, you can run single files using a dedicated option on the toolbar. The run and debug buttons are active and allow you to instantly run the currently opened file.
In the editor, open the file that you want to run.
next to the Current File option on the toolbar.
Select the settings for your run configuration.
Target data source / schema: databases or schemas against which you want to run your database scripts. This setting is dialect-dependent.
If you select a data source as a target, RubyMine displays a schema in which the script will be run. It is the default schema.
Script files: SQL files that you want to run. To add files, click the Add button (
) and navigate to files that you want to run. If a script contains schema switching, you will see a warning (
Click Run.
You can access other runners from the submenu as well: expand the list and click the right arrow next to Current File. From the menu that opens, you can debug the code, run it with coverage, or open the run configuration to specify more options.
In the Project tool window (Alt01), select file or files that you want to run.
Right-click the selection and invoke Run <configuration_name> (or press CtrlShiftF10). This action creates a temporary run configuration.
In the Edit Configuration window that opens, click Add
in the Target data source / schema pane and select data sources or schemes against which you want to run the selected files.
You can click Recent
to select data sources that you used recently.
GifClick Run.
When you run a file or use a run configuration, the output is shown in the tab of a Run tool window. For more information about the tool window controls, refer to Run tool window.

Press Shift twice.
In the Search Everywhere dialog, type the filename.
Select a file by using Up and Down arrows.
Press CtrlShiftF10.
In the Edit Configuration window, click the Add button (
) and select data sources or schemes against which you want to run selected files.
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