Tutorial: Docker as a remote interpreter
Required plugins: Docker (bundled)
Docker is a tool for building, sharing, and running containerized applications. RubyMine provides integration with Docker and allows you to perform all the required actions in your project - from building images to executing commands inside running containers. Moreover, RubyMine enables you to use the running Docker container as a remote interpreter. This means that you can run, debug, and test your application in an isolated environment right from the IDE.
This tutorial describes how you can use Docker as a remote interpreter for running, testing and debugging a sample Rails application.
In this tutorial, we’re using macOS, with RubyMine installed. Before you begin, make sure to configure Docker integration.
In this tutorial, we’ll use Mac with macOS, with RubyMine installed. Moreover, the following prerequisites should be met to complete all steps:
Verify that Docker is installed and running.
Make sure that the Docker plugin is enabled.
First of all, we need to build a Docker image for our application.
Open the Dockerfile. Press CtrlShift0N, type Dockerfile and press Enter.
in the gutter and select New Run Configuration from the menu.
In the Edit Run Configuration dialog, specify the image name in the Image tag field.
Click Run to start building the image.
RubyMine displays the process of building the image in the Services tool window. Wait until the image is built and displayed in the Images group.
Now we can use the built image to configure a remote interpreter for our application because the image has the Ruby interpreter and required gems installed. To configure Docker as a remote interpreter, do the following:
Open the Settings dialogCtrlAlt0S, go to the Language & Frameworks | Ruby SDK and Gems page.
and select Remote Interpreter or Version Manager in the drop-down.
In the invoked dialog, select Docker and specify the following options:
Server: Specify a Docker server used to run a container.
Image name: Select the image created in the previous chapter.
Ruby or version manager path: Leave the default ruby value to detect a path to the Ruby interpreter automatically.
Click OK.
Select the added SDK in the Ruby SDK and Gems page and click OK.
Wait until RubyMine finishes the indexing process and creates helper Docker images and containers.
Ruby helpers are additional containers and Docker images that RubyMine creates for testing and debugging purposes. They contain gems and .rb scripts that RubyMine uses to prepare the test environment, convert the output of test libraries (for example, Minitest, RSpec, Cucumber), launch tests, and so on.
Before running our Rails application, we will run migrations to prepare the database.
Press Ctrl twice and type
. Select rake db:migrate in the dropdown and press Enter.Leave the default settings in the invoked Execute ‘db:migrate’ dialog and click OK.
This creates the development.sqlite3 database in the db folder.
rake db:migrate
one more time as described in the first step. This time, set the Environment option to test in the Execute ‘db:migrate’ dialog and click OK. The created test.sqlite3 database will be used to run tests.
Let's run tests for our application. RubyMine enables you to use different testing frameworks for this purpose, including Minitest, RSpec, and Cucumber.
Our project contains Minitest tests in the test folder.
Open the Project view Alt01.
Right-click the test folder and select Run 'All tests in test' from the context menu.
RubyMine will run and display test results in the Run tool window.
Now let's try running a specific test.
Open the users_controller_test.rb file and scroll down to the should redirect index when not logged in test.
in the gutter and select Run ‘Minitest: test_should_redirect_index...’ in the invoked menu.
RubyMine will display the result for this test.
Now we can run our application using the configured remote interpreter.
Select the sample_rails_app configuration on the toolbar and click
Open a browser, enter the address, and press Enter to see our working application.
To stop the application, click
CtrlF2 on the toolbar.
Open the users_controller.rb file and set a breakpoint within the
method next to the line where a new user is created.Select the sample_rails_app run/debug configuration and click
RubyMine will suggest installing the debugging gems. Click Yes.
Open your browser and specify the application address
Click the Sign up now! button. On the Sign up page, enter the required user parameters and click Create my account.
The debugger pauses its session on a breakpoint and enables you to examine the application state.
For instance, you can check user parameters specified on the Sign up page.
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