Add an Office Floor Plan
A floor plan makes it easier for people to locate each other and also helps new employees find their way around in unfamiliar office space.
The setup is pretty simple. For each floor location you can upload a floor plan as a regular image. Then you place residents as a top layer, positioning them on the plan at the right spots.
Users are allowed to add themselves to the plan and adjust their own location.
On the main menu, click
Administration and choose Locations:
Choose the location from the list.
On the sidebar, choose Plan and click Upload plan:
Members that have this location in their profiles are listed on the right. Drag a member to the correct spot on the plan:
Now others can locate that member by opening the member's profile and clicking Show on plan.
On the main menu, click
Administration and choose Locations.
Choose the location from the list.
On the sidebar, choose Plan.
To remove a member from the plan, click their icon either on the list or on the plan and choose Remove mark:
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