Create and Edit Positions
Requires permission: Edit positions
Space Position denotes employee's title (specialty or responsibilities) within a team, e.g. Frontend Developer, QA Engineer, Analyst. The position is selected when the person is added to (or requests to join) a team. It can be changed later on. If a person has membership in several teams, for each team they can be assigned a different position.
Before a position can be assigned, it should be created.
Positions do not affect members' access rights and permissions.
On the main menu, click
Administration and choose Positions.
Click New position.
Give the position a name (e.g. "Full Stack Developer").
Optionally, pick a parent position (e.g. "Developer").
Click Create when done.
On the main menu, click
Administration and choose Positions.
Click the position you want to modify.
In the displayed form, you can edit the position's name and pick or change a parent position for it.
Click Edit when done.
On the main menu, click
Administration and choose Positions.
Locate the position you want to delete and click
next to it.
The deleted position will become archived and unavailable for assigning.
On the main menu, click
Administration and choose Positions.
Select the Archived tab.
Locate the position you want to restore and click
next to it.
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