Installation and Configuration
Downloading TeamCity
Installing TeamCity server
Installing TeamCity via executable file (Windows only)
If you want to edit TeamCity server service parameters, memory settings or system properties after the installation, run the command TeamCity/bin/tomcat5w.exe //ES//TeamCity. more information
Please check the service account to have
write rights for Basic Concepts,
access to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe database (if Visual Source Safe integration is used).
Make sure that the user, under which TeamCity server service runs, and ClearCase view owner are the same(if ClearCase integration is used).
By default, Windows service in installed under SYSTEM ACCOUNT. To change it, use the Services applet (Control Panel|Administrative Tools|Services)
Installing TeamCity bundled with Tomcat servlet container
Start TeamCity server:
Stop TeamCity server and agent:
Installing TeamCity into existing J2EE container
Installing and running additional Build Agents
If you install TeamCity bundled with a Tomcat servlet container, or opt to install an agent for Windows, both a server and one build agent are installed. If you need more build agents, perform the procedure described below.
To install a build agent, follow these general steps:
Installing Build Agents via Java Web Start
Installing Build Agents via MS Windows installer
Installing Build Agents via zip file
On Windows you may also want to install buildAgentsWindowsService instead of manual agent startup.
Starting the Build Agent
Installing and running Build Agent as a Windows service
Since version 1.2, for Build Agent we are using new Windows Service Library: Java Service Wrapper. Old service name agentd is no longer used in fresh installations. Already installed agents continue to use old service until explicit installation. (Upgrade)
To install the service:
To start the service:
To stop the service:
Agent process name is TeamCityAgentService-windows-x86-32.exe. To work with net.exe utility, use TCBuildAgent name. For example:
net start TCBuildAgent
To run builds, the build agent should be started under the user with enough rights for performing a build. By default, Windows service in started under SYSTEM ACCOUNT. To change it, use the Services applet (Control Panel|Administrative Tools|Services)
Configuring TeamCity server
If you have many projects or many build configurations, we recommend to avoid using the Default agent and thus free up TeamCity server resources. TeamCity Administrator can disable the default agent on the Agents page of the web UI.
When changing TeamCity data directory or database make sure they do not get out of sync.
Configuring TeamCity data directory
Setting up MySQL database
Edit server configuration
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