This page contains reference information for sln2003 Build Runner for Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 projects.
The sln2003 build runner uses NAnt instead of MS Visual Studio 2003 to perform the build. As a result the agent is required to have .NET Framework 1.1 installed, however sometimes .NET Framework SDK 1.1 might be required. This NAnt solution task may behave differently than MS Visual Studio 2003. See for details.
To use this runner you need to configure the nant.
Build Runner
Select sln2003 from the combobox.
Solution File Path
A path to the solution to be built is relative to the project root directory. Example:
Specify the name of solution configuration to build.
This group of options enables you to use default output defined in the solution, or specify your own output path.
Override project output
Check this option to override output path settings specified in the solution / project. The overriding path should be entered in the field Output directory for all projects. If this option is not checked, all the build-related data is uploaded to the bin/<solution configuration> directory.
Output directory for all projects
This option is available, if Override project output option is checked. Specify the directory where the compiled targets will be placed.
Resolve URLs via Map
Click this radio button, if you want to map URL project path to physical project path. If this option is selected, specify mapping in the field Type the URL's map.
Type the URL's map
Click this link and specify the desired map in the text area. Use the following format:
where http://localhost:8111 is a host where the project will be uploaded myProjectPath/myProject is a project root
Resolve URLs via WebDAV
Click this radio button, if you want the URLs to be resolved via WebDav.
Make sure that all necessary files are properly updated. The build agent may not update information from VCS implicitly.
MS Visual Studio Reference Path
Check this option, if you want to automatically include reference path of MS Visual Studio to the build.
Run NUnit Tests for
Specify .Net assemblies, where the NUnit tests to be run are stored. Multiple entries are comma-separated; usage of NAnt wildcards is enabled. In the following example, TeamCity will search for the tests assemblies in all project directories and run these tests.
All these wildcards are specified relative to the project directory.
Do not Run NUnit Tests for
Specify .Net assemblies that should excluded from the list of found assemblies to test. Multiple entries are comma-separated; usage of NAnt wildcards is enabled. In the following example, TeamCity will omit tests specified in this directory.
All these wildcards are specified relative to the project directory.