The NuGet Installer build runner performs NuGet Command-Line Package Restore. It can also (optionally) automatically update package dependencies to the most recent ones.
NuGet Installer settings:
Select NuGet version to use from the drop-down list (you need to have NuGet installed), or specify a custom path to NuGet.exe.
Packages Sources
Specify the NuGet package sources. If left blank, is used to search for your packages. You can also specify your own NuGet repository. If you are using TeamCity as a NuGet repository, specify %\teamcity.nuget.feed.server% here. If you use packages from an authenticated feed specify %\teamcity.nuget.feed.auth.server% instead and use the NuGet Feed Credentials build feature.
Path to solution file
Specify the path to your solution file (.sln) where packages are to be installed.
Restore Mode
Select NuGet.exe restore (requires NuGet 2.7+) to restore all packages for an entire solution. The NuGet.exe install command is used to restore packages for versions prior to NuGet 2.7, but only for a single packages.config file.
Restore Options
If needed, select:
Exclude version from package folder names: Equivalent to the -ExcludeVersion option of the NuGet.exe install command. If enabled, the destination folder will contain only the package name, not the version number.
Disable looking up packages from local machine cache: Equivalent to the -NoCache option of the NuGet.exe install command.
Update Packages
Update packages with help of NuGet update command: Uses the NuGet.exe update command to update all packages under the solution. The package versions and constraints are taken from packages.config files.
Update Mode
Select one of the following:
Update via solution file - TeamCity uses Visual Studio solution file (.sln) to create the full list of NuGet packages to install. This option updates packages for the entire solution.
Update via packages.config - Select to update packages via calls to NuGet.exe update Packages.Config for each packages.config file under the solution.
Update Options
Include pre-release packages: Equivalent to the -Prerelease option of the NuGet.exe update command
Perform safe update: Equivalent to the -Safe option of the NuGet.exe update command, that looks for updates with the highest version available within the same major and minor version as the installed package.