Configuring UTF8 Character Set for MySQL

Last modified: 20 April 2023

To create a MySQL database which uses the utf8 character set:

  1. Create a new database: create database <database_name> character set UTF8 collate utf8_bin

  2. Open <TeamCity data directory> /config/, and add the characterEncoding property: connectionProperties.characterEncoding=UTF-8

To change the character set of an existing MySQL database to utf8:

  1. Shut the TeamCity server down.

  2. Being in the TeamCity bin directory, export the database using the maintainDB tool: maintainDB backup -D -F database_backup (more details about backup are Creating Backup via maintainDB command-line tool)

  3. Create a new database with utf8 as the default character set, as described above.

  4. Modify the <TeamCity data directory> /config/ file --- change connectionUrl property to:

  5. jdbc:mysql://<host>/<new_database_name>

  6. Import data the new database: maintainDB restore -D -F database_backup -T <TeamCity data directory>/config/

  7. Start the TeamCity server up