NuGet Pack
The NuGet Pack build runner allows building a NuGet package from a given specification file. If you want to publish this package, add a NuGet Publish build step.
Supported Operating Systems
NuGet build runners are supported on build agents running Windows OS by default. Linux and macOS are supported when Mono is installed on the agent (only NuGet 3.3+ on Mono 4.4.2+ is supported).
To view the NuGet Installer's settings in Kotlin DSL, click View DSL in the sidebar.
Configure the following options of the NuGet Pack runner:
Option | Description |
NuGet.exe | Select a NuGet version to use from the drop-down list (you need to have NuGet installed), or specify a custom path to
Specification files | Enter path(s) to |
Prefer project files to .nuspec | Check the box to use the project file (if exists, i.e. |
Version | Specify the package version. Overrides the version number from the |
Base Directory | Select an option from the drop down list to specify the directory where the files defined in the |
Output Directory | Specify the path where the generated NuGet package is to be put. |
Сlean output directory | Check the box to clean the directory before packing. |
Publish created packages to build artifacts | Check the box if you're using TeamCity as a NuGet repository to publish packages to the TeamCity's NuGet server and be able to use them as regular TeamCity artifacts. |
Exclude files | Specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude when creating a package. Equivalent to the NuGet.exe |
Properties | Semicolon or new-line separated list of package creation properties. For example, to make a release build, you define here |
Options | Create tool package – check the box to place the output files of the project to the tool folder. |
Command line parameters | Set additional command line parameters to be passed to |