TeamCity On-Premises 2023.11 Help

TeamCity 2021.2.3 Release Notes

Build: 99711
16 February 2022


TW-73850 — Add compatibility with BitBucket's checks for merging pull requests.

Usability Problem

TW-73596 — Changes from unknown VCS users are not shown among avatars anyhow


TW-68935 — Insecure Tomcat connector attributes: missing secure attributes
TW-74505 — Jacoco report service message with reportDir parameter does not generate report
TW-74948 — Suite name does not appear in the tests report sometimes
TW-74916 — Build with two VCS roots fails with "Builds in default branch are disabled in build configuration" even though one VCS root has a desired branch
TW-74763 — Pull Requests build feature uses wrong state parameter when querying for open merge requests
TW-74992 — Python (pytest) Runner incorrectly escapes coverage arguments preventing multiple arguments
TW-73608 — Empty changes list on click to avatar for users with "+" character
TW-74173 — IntelliJ 2021.3 cannot be uploaded as a tool in TeamCity: "Package is invalid"
TW-74885 — Secondary node cannot update of the projects model in case when some project was removed by the main node
TW-62154 — jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2018_2.BuildSteps#dockerBuild should be marked as deprecated
TW-73509 — No error on attempt to save avatar on a secondary node without "Processing user requests to modify data" permission
TW-74895 — Missing build step metric names in Build -> Parameters -> Reported statistic values
TW-74547 — S3 artifact storage is no longer working correctly after upgrade from TeamCity 2021.1.4 to 2021.2.1
TW-69199 — "Detached from agent" label is cropped in the classic UI
TW-74881 — Secondary node does not start if there are unfinished configuration persisting tasks created by it
TW-74772 — Should not add comments for Perforce Helix Swarm about personal builds not related to shelved changelists
TW-72259 — Info about snapshot dependencies in classic UI is broken
TW-74824 — Listener error when using TestNg 7.5
TW-73670 — Buttons "Upload new image" and "Delete" are available in other accounts for administrators without "Modify user profile and roles" permission
TW-74592 — Agent checkout may fail after force push with git 2.34+
TW-74656 — Wrong PR number in teamcity.pullRequest.number parameter
TW-74661 — Account lockout when using ticket value in VCS Root with Perforce and active directory domain integrated authentication
TW-74746 — Docker run does not work in teamcity-agent docker images
TW-74709 — Xcode Project Runner does not work with Xcode 13.2.x
TW-74516 — "Error while applying patch" after changing Checkout policy in a Git VCS root
TW-69931 — Changing build problems count can be confusing (switch between "root cause problems" / "own problems")
TW-74292 — When creating or editing a VCS root using a connection button, a user must press it twice
TW-68252 — Python runner. Absolute path to Python script does not work
TW-74453 — Dependency parameters are displayed as missing yet they have defined values
TW-74571 — Agent cannot checkout source code from GitHub (You're using an RSA key with SHA-1, which is no longer allowed)
TW-70053 — Validate login/password for the max length


TW-73441 — SecurityException on a secondary (read-only) node (update failed_tests table)

Performance Problem

TW-74787 — Slow VCS root instances calculation because of inefficient code in DefaultToolVersionsImpl
TW-75004 — Slow processing VCS trigger with enabled quiet period
TW-74876 — Every request from a logged in user checks existence of an avatar on disk
TW-74833 — Slow loading of a large project configuration files probably because of ProjectsLoader.preprocessIds performing unnecessary file operations (network file system)


TW-74861 — Drop unused packages from the log4j1.12 library
TW-74570 — Update in Commit Status Publisher to reflect that it is built by Gradle
TW-73625 — Return all possible commit authors if two users have the same vcsUsername

Security Problem

4 security problems have been fixed.

Last modified: 16 February 2022