TeamCity 2020.2.1 Release Notes
Build: 85633
16 December 2020
TW-66202 — Allow S3 upload chunk size and minimum multipart threshold to be configurable
TW-68940 — Maven detects not default tool if a pom file contains rule maven-enforcer-plugin/requireMavenVersion that satisfies the default tool condition.
TW-65810 — Allow external connections from javaagent on the secondary node
TW-68587 — Health report for a build configuration which does docker pull from Docker Hub without prior authentication
TW-67068 — Builds duration chart for Test History Page
TW-60700 — Report progress of publishing to S3
TW-60401 — TeamCity S3 Artifact Storage - S3 timeout - Enhancement Request
TW-68890 — Chain view: group composite builds by default
TW-65251 — 'Promote' action in dependencies list
TW-68158 — Agent compatible configurations tab: design how should agent incompatibilities look like
TW-67649 — Build page, dependencies tab: let the user to switch status filter regardless the page loading progress
TW-69127 — Some data is presented in different order on Usage Statistic page on seconadary node.
TW-68490 — Not able to scroll manually to above build log in Sakura UI
TW-67621 — Change the list of links that drop out of the username
TW-68422 — Build log search shows "No results in the first 100,000 lines" even if search is currently performed after 100,000 lines
TW-68369 — Build log search trims leading and trailing whitespaces in a search string
TW-68334 — Python runner. Command = "File". Add hint about supported paths for "File" field
TW-69005 — Build failure condition (change in metric) - add a log entry if build was found on default branch instead of feature one
TW-67549 — Build tests tab does not allow to see test duration chart
TW-66480 — .NET: unclear way to call a dotnet tool using a new "custom" command
TW-68894 — Do not display version as \<unknown\> for disconnected build agents in the Experimental UI.
TW-68971 — Show a warning on the Docker Info tab when the build pulls images without prior authentication
TW-68705 — No way to configure oauth authentication in the simple mode
TW-68828 — Authentication admin tab: allow to add authentication modules in the simple mode
TW-69274 — Return docker to teamcity-agent images (all tags)
TW-69040 — .net runner and --launch-profile parameter
TW-34480 — TeamCity can poll Amazon too frequently
TW-69263 — Build is not triggered in a branch despite pending changes presence (branch move & change from fallback branch)
TW-69255 — Cannot sign up/in using
TW-68532 — Bitbucket cloud pull requests: pull request block disappeared after TeamCity update
TW-69046 — Auto-detected pytest/flake8/pylint projects with depth=2+ do not work without editing
TW-60676 — TeamCity docker images should not ignore failures in custom user scripts
TW-69006 — Agent with id "xxx" does not exist page is displayed after user switches from unexisting agent to existing one in Agents sidebar.
TW-69080 — Secondary node may not start with error 'This node is not allowed to execute SQL query: SQL DML: insert into domain_sequence'
TW-69056 — Artifacts of a new build can be removed by cleanup
TW-42878 — Starting builds can be lost on server restart
TW-68629 — New Agent Detail page: no OS icon
TW-69095 — Broken navigation in recently published Java Docs
TW-68986 — Disable Agent dialog: align 'Disable' button
TW-68869 — Highlight an opened build in the Dependencies Chain
TW-68881 — Build queue "Show only my personal builds" is reset after page refresh
TW-69109 — Errors on editing Hub Settings on the secondary node.
TW-69047 — Python build steps auto-detection sometimes does not find ini-files (pytest.ini) on depth=2
TW-69178 — Branch is not propagated in promote build dialog in some cases
TW-64037 — Don't fail the whole build because of failed tests if gradle step was not failed
TW-69053 — Lots of "Optimized task for build ... modification: " messages in teamcity-server.log
TW-68882 — Pull request plugin tends to synchronously (and unnecessarily so) request VCS hostings when build details page is displayed for a relevant build
TW-65988 — Don't use 'Build dependencies have not been built yet' wait reason for composite builds
TW-68847 — Python runner can't have virtualenv when requirements.txt is missing
TW-68935 — Insecure Tomcat connector attributes: missing secure attributes
TW-69225 — TeamCity may stop executing config persisting tasks if server was killed
TW-68843 — Secondary Node: Cannot create connections
TW-66791 — java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space during git clean on Windows agent: long file names case
TW-69135 — Page autoscrolls to the bottom border of the header on a Build Page
TW-69175 — Decrease default timeout for pending threads in NuGet feed
TW-69208 — [REST API] testOccurrences request may fail if build authentication is used
TW-58332 — Obsolete revision can be taken by a build in case when build configuration was created then removed and added again with the same uuid
TW-68746 — Build estimate can show incorrect time for agentless build steps
TW-67378 — VCS trigger may not trigger a build in case of a change in settings VCS root and branch move in a regular VCS root
TW-67070 — Checking for changes action does nothing if current configuration does not have own VCS roots but has snapshot dependencies
TW-68722 — Multiple selection on the Pools sidebar in Queued builds page.
TW-68692 — Python: show all internal logging only in Verbosity output level
TW-68435 — Agents Statistics and Matrix tabs should respect agentless builds
TW-68801 — Esc key doesn't close new dialogs in sakura UI
TW-68638 — Broken projects pop-up in breadcrumbs
TW-67003 — BuildLog: Page continuously scrolls down to the last place in buildLog
TW-68424 — Build log search: "Next result" and "Search" buttons don't scroll page to the found line
TW-68371 — Branch filter isn't always shown on the test history page
TW-68860 — Commit Status Publisher. Test Connection to Bitbucket Cloud and AzureDevops publishers fails on the secondary node.
TW-69108 — Agent incorrectly reports JDK locations for macOS 11.0/10.16
TW-68451 — No build icon for running builds on Agent statistics
TW-67278 — Notify user with Commit Status Publisher feature if Space Connection was removed
TW-69092 — No way to choose Root project in notifications rules
TW-69009 — Missing arrowhead expand button near Projects in the classic UI in the new header.
TW-69097 — Build log search. No jump to the next result in there are leading/trailing whitespaces in a search string
TW-68698 — Add logging to a build for case when snapshot dependencies settings were taken from a branch
TW-68836 — Python: move "Environment name" field out of advanced
TW-69079 — Flaky test always shows "0 failures" if muted with "support test retry" option
TW-68059 — Inapplicable snapshot dependency changes still reported when such changes are in fact taken into account
TW-67284 — Client ID for Space connection in the list of connections is not cut off as in other connections
TW-69074 — Python plugin. No drive letter in build problem message on Windows agent
TW-51454 — 'ssh upload' plugin adds 'execute' bit to files
TW-69018 — Import settings from VCS does not work on the secondary node
TW-54059 — Improve message and logging on error parsing msbuild file
TW-68310 — Dragging of the "window" on the top graph stops when my mouse gets out of the graph
TW-68852 — Impossible to upload/delete Maven settings on the secondary node.
TW-69107 — .NET runner does not allow to pass dotCover command line arguments containing semicolon
TW-69015 — Load project settings from VCS button does not work on the secondary node
TW-69038 — Current Status isn't displayed in Version Settings tab on the secondary node
TW-69048 — No way to view or add context parameters on secondary node
TW-69039 — Don't fail build if automatic login fails, use warning instead
TW-69078 — Java Exception on Agent Statistics tab
TW-69084 — java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract (Build estimates calculator)
TW-69085 — VCS trigger with quiet period can trigger a build in a new branch on an older commit than the one which created this branch (only if checking for changes is done by the secondary node)
TW-68034 — Layout in "Run Custom Build" dialog differs in Sakura and Main UI
TW-68939 — 'ssh upload' plugin put files always onto c:/
TW-64191 — Editing tags of a dependency opens wrong tags
TW-67081 — Incorrect popup is displayed for the dependency builds in the Experimental UI.
TW-68806 — Two scrollbars are displayed in the Configure Sidebar dialog
TW-65772 — Agents -\> Agent Push tab. "Loading. Please wait" progress message is displayed with unfriendly header "object MouseEvent"
TW-64331 — Dockerfile source "File content" overwrites "File" after source change
TW-68401 — Long stacktrace is scrolled automatically to the top every ~5 seconds in a running build
TW-68392 — Test History Page. Graph is shown incorrectly when all test run times are 0ms
TW-68269 — Test History page. Correct vertical scale values displaying for tests with long durations.
TW-68374 — Build log search: search phrase is displayed two times in build log and overlaps main text if found text has custom font (e.g. bold)
TW-69001 — Build steps auto-detect can fail to find build steps with long polling interval
TW-68872 — Add validation for Bitbucket Cloud PR username/password
TW-68521 — Pull request plugin for Bitbucket Cloud: Username and password are displayed in the DSL view after changing of the authentication type
TW-69042 — CleanupIdsGroupsTableConverter hangs during upgrade in some cases
TW-68938 — Bug in OptimizeAndCleanupIdsGroupsTableConverter converter causes upgrade failure on PostgreSQL and Oracle databases
TW-68824 — Python plugin does not autodetect pytest project
TW-68689 — Python steps autodetection should suggest all available options
TW-68997 — Do not auto-detect python step if there is only requirements.txt (virtualenv) and nothing else to do
TW-69034 — Changes screen: action bar alignment is broken in case of a wide project select
TW-68905 — Projects remove and rename actions are not processed correctly on the secondary node when the main node is stopped.
TW-67559 — Do not remember recently opened tab for Pool\Overview on the agents page
TW-63513 — Switching from classic UI to the new one leads to the wrong destination on some agents pages
TW-68593 — Removal agent on secondary node causes next agent(s) to fail to operate
TW-68786 — "c.onUnexpectedError is not a function" error when the same id is changed simultaneously on two nodes.
TW-68998 — Enable "Test reporting via teamcity-messages" for auto-detected pytest step
TW-68904 — Impossible to copy/move/rename a project containing enforced settings template on the secondary node.
TW-68883 — Problem setting enforced template configuration for a project from secondary node
TW-67279 — Incorrect page is loaded when user switch to Experimental UI from the Pools tab.
TW-68648 — Agent's page and sidebar are not refreshed when the cloud agent is stopped.
TW-67287 — Agent page: sync agent title color in the sidebar and on the page
TW-67151 — Wrong project agent pool name and link can be displayed on the build Overview page
TW-68963 — Add "debug-search" to "debug-all" logging preset
TW-68726 — Error "Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null" if token name contains not allowed symbols
TW-68921 — Sakura UI: Indent between parts of the label in Dependencies | Chain
TW-65460 — YouTrack issue link is broken in changes list view in new UI
TW-68548 — GitHub Enterprise and GitLab CE/EE authentication: unclear error is displayed during login when https certificates weren't uploaded to TeamCity
TW-68727 — Error "Cannot read property 'resetPermissionsSelector' of undefined" after creation of token for other user
TW-68732 — Previous token settings are displayed in the form of creation a new token
TW-68724 — Add a note what user can't login using scope token
TW-68096 — TeamCity statistics: sendBeacon doesn't work with CSRF protection
TW-69279 — Computing of build chain changes can be inefficient if called from VCS trigger (FindPromotionStrategyFactory.load & ChangesRange.processChanges)
TW-68183 — isAvailable is called for every SAKURA* prefixed plugin
TW-69100 — Slow processing of build messages because of TestName2IndexImpl.unloadUnusedTestNames()
TW-69051 — RunningBuildsManager.findRunningBuildById can be expensive for just finished builds causing slower processing of buildFinished event
TW-68967 — Slow admin UI on the secondary node because of read only projects filtering in AdminPermissionsUtil.getAllEditableProjects
TW-68831 — Improve threading in Background Build Indexer
TW-66361 — Start teamcity-server docker container under non-root user by default
TW-66856 — Improve wording for the Incorrect Proxy Configuration health report
TW-68118 — Python runner. Improve build log for build steps with Virtualenv
11 security problems have been fixed.