TeamCity On-Premises 2024.12 Help

TeamCity 2020.2.4 Release Notes

Build: 86063
15 April 2021


TW-64726 — Show statuses and counters of non favorite build types and projects in sidebar

Usability Problem

TW-70933 — "Managing Projects and Build Configurations" page is not about managing projects
TW-70635 — Create from URL fails for GitHub with Not Found (404) in case of password authentication
TW-70601 — Don't show the artifacts isolation health report if artifacts URL isn't configured


TW-71041 — Unable to re-run a build if there is no CUSTOMIZE_BUILD_REVISIONS permission for its dependency
TW-70612 — Make the Parameters tab default again in comparison
TW-70495 — Applying patch changes adds characters at the front of file
TW-70557 — "Too many open files" error during agent startup on some systems
TW-70207 — A lot of memory occupied by Lucene build indexer (600M ScoreDoc instances)
TW-70475 — NuGet Trigger doesn't work with multi-node setup and enabled process trigger responsibility
TW-70871 — AWS cloud agent machine is never removed
TW-58305 — GitHub Commit Hooks plugin does not always persist last commit hook information and may unreasonably clean up working commit hook settings
TW-70899 — Python runer left script file in buildTemp directory
TW-70890 — DSL patch is generated when adding a project parameter (if config version from settings.kts file does not equal to the current server config version)
TW-58365 — Amazon ECR Connection ignores IAM Role specified
TW-70806 — Tests can point to the wrong position in the build log
TW-67378 — VCS trigger may not trigger a build in case of a change in settings VCS root and branch move in a regular VCS root
TW-66254 — Limit build artifacts highlight width in the experimental UI
TW-70879 — Failed to fetch the issue, reason: Unexpected JSON type: class
TW-70631 — VCS trigger with quiet period does not trigger build on branch move
TW-70457 — Schedule trigger triggers builds in obsolete branches if branches temporary disappear and then reappear again
TW-49658 — Schedule build trigger runs build without changes
TW-70521 — Ignored maven.repo.local when not reading the pom
TW-65641 — Disable jgit internal auto git gc
TW-70793 — Copying of secure values on the Tokens tab can cause a commit of the project settings to VCS
TW-70823 — SSH Exec: Username field is ignored for 'Default private key' if there is an ssh config on the agent host
TW-70796 — GitHub commits hook plugin is incompatible with TeamCity 2020.2
TW-70804 — Audit: 'User was created' records have incorrect value in User field
TW-70834 — MultiNodesEvents usage prevents plugin from upload without server restart
TW-70774 — TFS Workspace deletion
TW-69873 — Don't show configure sidebar dialog for an empty server
TW-70509 — Impossible to use repository with "--config"
TW-70611 — Dependencies comparison doesn't work when there are no common dependent builds for chosen builds
TW-67239 — Unexpected error "bean newVersionBean not found within scope" for non-administrators on the health item
TW-70552 — Problem investigation with manual resolution removed automatically after successful build and clean-up
TW-71077 — Restore "teamcity.git.use.shallow.clone" support for shallow clone from mirror to checkout directory when alternates are disabled

Performance Problem

TW-70686 — Too much memory occupied by Lucene Document instance
TW-70572 — High memory usage due to absence of limits in tracing code


TW-69316 — Github is deprecating support for password authentication for git operations

Security Problem

5 security problems have been fixed.

Last modified: 15 April 2021