Last modified: 20 April 2023Item | Description |
Install build agent | Click this button to install an additional build agent, using one of the suggested techniques. Refer to Installation for detailed instructions. |
Connected Agents
An agent is considered connected if it is registered on the TeamCity server and responds to server commands. This status is determined automatically.
This tab displays the agents which are currently connected to the TeamCity server.
Item | Description |
Agent | Displays the available agents. Click an agent link to open the agent details page. Click the column header to sort the table alphabetically by agent name. |
Displays results of bundled CPU benchmark.
CPU benchmark also affects the way server distributes builds among agents. If the build duration estimate cannot be calculated for an agent (e.g. there were no builds in the history ran on this agent), TeamCity will choose the fastest agent using the CPU benchmark value. | |
Status | Displays whether the agent is enabled or disabled, and provides a link to toggle the agent's status. Click the column header to sort the table alphabetically by agent status. Disabled agents are strike through. Hovering your mouse cursor over the icon shows summary information: ![]()
Running build | Displays information about the build, which this agent is currently running. This information includes:
Stop / Run build | Use this link to stop the selected build. |
Disconnected Agents
An agent is considered disconnected if it was once registered on the TeamCity server, but it no longer responds to server commands. This status is determined automatically.
This tab displays the agents which were at some point connected to the server, but currently are not connected. If an agent does not connect to the server for more than two weeks it is removed from the list.
Item | Description |
Agent | Displays the agents that are currently disconnected. Click an agent link to open the agent details page. Click the column header to sort the table alphabetically by agent name. |
Status | Displays whether the agent is enabled or disabled, and provides a link to toggle agent status. Click the column header to sort the table alphabetically by agent status. |
Last registration date | Displays the date and time the agent was registered by the TeamCity server. Click the column header to sort the table by the last registration date. |
Inactivity reason | Displays textual description of the agent's inactivity reason. |
Running build | As a rule the column contains no data but in some cases after the server starts after a shutdown or reload, it can consider that the agent is running a build, so some information appears in this column. |
Unauthorized Agents
Agents are manually authorized using the web UI. Only authorized build agents can run builds. The number of simultaneously authorized agents cannot exceed the number of agent licenses in your license pool.
Unauthorizing the agent stops the build currently running on the agent.
This tab displays the agents that are currently not authorized, and a count of available agent licenses.
Item | Description |
Agent | Displays a list of unauthorized agents. Click an agent link to open the agent details page. Click the column header to sort the table alphabetically by agent name. Also the agent's IP address or hostname is displayed. |
Authorize | Displays authorization status of an agent and a link to toggle status. Note that the agents registered for the first time are unauthorized by default. |
Connection status | Displays whether the agent is authorized and connected, and provides a link to toggle the agent's authorization status. |
Last registration date | Displays the date and time the agent was registered by the TeamCity server. Click the column header to sort the table by the last registration date. |
Inactivity reason | Displays textual description of the agent's inactivity reason. |
The Matrix provides you with a bird-eye view of the overall Build Agents workload for all finished builds during the time range you select.

Taking a look at the build configurations which are compatible with the particular agent you can adjust the hardware resources usage more effectively and fill the discovered productivity gaps, i.e. assign the build configuration to particular Build Agents and lower the idle time.
Item | Description |
Time range | Specify the dates for which you want to view the agents statistics workload and click Update. |
Build configuration | Build configuration name. |
Build Agent name link | Click to navigate to Agent details page. |
Time | Total amount of time of Agent's workload (excluding the idle state time). |
Workload percentage | Total amount of time in percent of Agent's workload (excluding the idle state time). |
Build's duration is calculated only for builds that had finished during the specified time range.
When you mouse over the green rectangular in the table, you can view:
build configuration name
build agent name
duration of all builds run on the particular agent
total number of runs of the build configuration on the particular agent.
Agent Statistics
The visual metrics displayed on this page show each build agent's activity over a given time, as well as, which specific builds the agent performed.

On this page you can:
Mouse over a build duration to see an overview of the build results in a popup.
Navigate to the build configuration home page or the build results by clicking the links on the popup.
Select a specific time range by entering new dates (in day-month-year format) and clicking the Update button.
Sort the list by agent name or usage using the drop-down list.
All statistics is calculated only for builds that had finished during the specified time range.
Drop-down list item | Description |
Agent name | Sorts agents alphabetically by name from A to Z |
Agent name desc | Sorts agents alphabetically by name from Z to A |
Agent usage | Sorts agents by usage from the most inactive to the most active |
Agent usage desc | Sorts agents by usage from the most active to the most inactive |
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