Additional Pre Processing (Ant)
Inspections Parameters
If you need to restrict the sources scope on which to tun the Inspections runner, you can specify additional JVM paramenters (in the JVM command line parameters field).
-Didea.exclude.patterns=testData/**;testdata/**;help/**;test/**;maverick/**;src/tips/**;[testData]/** -Didea.include.patterns=testData/tables/**
all patters must end with either ** or * (this effectively limits the patterns to only the directories level, they do not support file-level patterns)
includes have precedence over excludes
references to modules can be included as [module_name]/<path_within_module>
"include" pattern has a special behaviour (due to underlying limitations): it includes the directory specified and all the files residing directly in the directories above the one specified. (in the example above, testData/basicTest.xml file will be included into the analysis)
Thanks for your feedback!