Last modified: 20 April 2023This page contains reference information about the IPR Build Runner fields.
Option | Description |
Build runner | Select Ipr from the drop-down list. This runner generates a JUnit task for the tests in the project. |
Artifact Paths | Use this field to specify directories containing Build Artifact or file names as a comma-separated string. If a directory is specified its contents will be uploaded to the server. \(!) In version 3.1 this field is located on the 1.General Settings page. |
IntelliJ IDEA Project Settings
Option | Description |
Use this field to specify the path to the project file (.ipr). This build runner requires this file to understand the structure of the project.
| |
Detect global libraries and module-based JDK in *.iml files | If this option is checked, the form all of the module files will be automatically scanned for references to the global libraries and module JDKs when saved. This helps you ensure all references will be properly resolved.
Build working directory | Enter a building working directory is your CVS checkout mode is set to Do not checkout files automatically. |
Unresolved Project Modules and Path Variables
This section displays messages when an IntelliJ IDEA module file (.iml) referenced from IPR file cannot be found as well as allows you to enter the values of path variables used in the IPR file. You may want to click the Save button to refresh values in this section.
Option | Description |
<path_variable_name> | This field appears, if the project file contains path macros, defined in the Path Variables dialog of IntelliJ IDEA's Settings dialog. In the Set value to field, specify a path to project resources, to be used on different build agents. |
Project JDKs
This section provides the list of JDKs detected in the project file.
Option | Description |
JDK Home | Use this field to specify JDK home for the project.
JDK jar file patterns | Click this link to open a text area, where you can define templates for the jar files of the project JDK. Use Ant rules to define the jar file patterns. The default value is used for Linux and Windows operating systems: For Mac OS X, use the following lines: |
IDEA Home | If your project uses the IDEA JDK, specify the location of IDEA's home directory |
IDEA Jar Files Patterns | Click this link to open a text area, where you can define templates for the jar files of the IDEA JDK. |
You can use references to external properties when defining the values, like %system.idea_home% or %env.JDK_1_3%. This will add a Agent Requirements for the corresponding property.
Project Global Libraries
This section appears if your project has references to global libraries (option Detect global libraries and module-based JDK in *.iml files should be enabled).
Option | Description |
Path to Library | Use this field to specify root directory which contains library jar files. |
Library Jar Files Patterns | Click this link to open a text area, where you can define templates for the jar files of the library (default *.jar) |
You can use references to external properties when defining the values, like %env.CATALINA_BASE%. This will add a Agent Requirements for the corresponding property.
JVM Settings
Option | Description |
JVM command line parameters | Specify the desired Java Virtual Machine parameters, such as maximum heap size or parameters that enable remote debugging. These settings are passed to the JVM used to run your build. Example: |
Additional Pre/Post Processing (Ant)
Option | Description |
Run before build | In the appropriate fields, enter the Ant scripts and targets (optional) that you want to run prior to starting the build. The path to the Ant file should be relative to the project root directory. |
Run after build | In the appropriate fields, enter the Ant scripts and targets (optional) that you want to run after the build is completed. The path to the Ant file should be relative to the project root directory. |
JUnit Test Runner Settings
JUnit test settings map to the attributes of JUnit task. For details, refer to http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/junit.html
Option | Description |
Test patterns | Click the Type test patterns link, and specify the required test patterns in a text area. These patterns are used to generate parameters of the batchtest JUnit task section. Each pattern generates either include or exclude section. These patterns are also used to compose classpath for the test run. Each module mentioned in the patterns adds its classpath to the whole classpath. Each pattern should be placed on a separate line and has the following format: where:
By default the whole classpath is composed of all classpaths of the modules used to get tests from. The following two options define whether you will use the default classpath, or take it from the specified module. | |
If this option is checked, you can define test classpath from a single, explicitly specified module. | |
If the option Override classpath in tests is checked, you have to specify the module, where the classpath to be used for tests is specified. | |
Select the desired fork mode from the combobox:
| |
Check this option, if you want a new classloader to be instantiated for each test case. This option is available only if Do not fork option is selected. | |
Check this option to add Ant classes, required to run JUnit tests. This option is available if fork mode is enabled (Fork per test or Fork once). | |
Specify the command that will be used to invoke JVM. This option is available if fork mode is enabled (Fork per test or Fork once). | |
Check this option, if you want the build to stop if an error occurs during test run. | |
Specify JVM parameters to be passed to JUnit task. | |
Tests working directory | Specify the path to the working directory for tests. |
Tests timeout | Specify the lapse of time in milliseconds, after which test will be canceled. This value is ignored, if Do not fork option is selected. |
Verbose Ant | Check this option, if the generated JUnit task has to produce verbose output in ant terms. |
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