This page contains a list of workarounds for known issues in TeamCity.
If you experience strange web UI issues that are not reproduced on other computers, please make sure your browser is not using cached versions of content. This can be achieved by clearing browser caches.
JSP error "quoted with ' which must be escaped"
Tomcat versions 6.0.17 and up can produce error "Attribute value "['" + CONFIGURATION_COUNTER.getName() + "']" is quoted with ' which must be escaped when used within the value." on rendering TeamCity pages. Please use Tomcat 6.0.16 or add the following property to System Properties for Running the Server: -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false
Logging with Log4J in your tests
If you use Log4J logging in your tests, in some cases you may miss Log4J output from your logs. In such cases, please do the following:
Use Log4J 1.2.12 and you're done
For Log4J 1.2.13+, add parameter "Follow=true" for console appender, used in Log4J configuration: <appender name="CONSOLE" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"> <param name="Follow" value="true"/> </appender>
Code Snapshots Highlighting
The code snapshots displayed in the diff view and duplicates code fragments are highlighted using Colorer native library. For the time being the library does not support 64 bit platforms. However, this can be workarounded by running TeamCity server under 32 bit JVM in 64 bit OS.
NUnit 2.4.6 Performance
Due to an issue in NUnit 2.4.6 (bundled), it's performance may be slower than NUnit 2.4.1. For additional information, please refer to the corresponding issue in our tracker: TW-4709
StarTeam Performance
Using StarTeam SDK 9.0 instead of StarTeam SDK 9.3 on the TeamCity server can significantly improve VCS performance when there is a slow link between TeamCity and StarTeam servers.
Agent service can exit on user logout under Windows x64
Used version of Java Service Wrapper does not fully support Windows 64 and this causes agent launcher process to be killed on user logout. The agent itself will be functional until next restart (server upgrade or agent properties change).