Licensing Policy
Last modified: 20 April 2023Each Editions of TeamCity has its own licensing policy. TeamCity Professional does not require any license keys when using the predefined number of free agents. The Enterprise edition requires one of the following types of licenses:
Commercial — no expiration date
Evaluation — has an expiration date and provides an unlimited amount of agents; the evaluation license can be obtained only once, a second evaluation key is not accepted after the previous one expires.
Open Source — this is a special type of license granted for open source projects, it is time-based, and provides an unlimited amount of agents.
If you need additional agents for either edition, you can purchase an additional agent license, which defines a number of additional agents you can use with TeamCity. The agent license does not expire.
Managing licenses is only available to users with the System or Project Administrator permissions: Administration > Licenses
The TeamCity Licensing Policy does not impose any limitations on the number of instances for any of the IDE plugins or the Windows Tray Notifier.
All TeamCity 1.x/2.x customers qualify for a free upgrade to TeamCity 3.x Enterprise edition. Please contact our sales department to receive your TeamCity Enterprise license key (make sure to provide your customer ID or any of your existing license keys).
In addition to the Enterprise edition, all TeamCity 1.x/2.x customers can enter their existing license keys in TeamCity 3.x to get a number of agents equal to the number of TeamCity 1.x/2.x user licenses.
Accepted License Keys
The following license key types are accepted by TeamCity 3.x as agent keys:
IDEA 6.0 key generated before Jan 15, 2007 — grants one agent license
TeamCity 1.x/2.x key — grants a number of agent licenses equal to the number of users licensed to use TeamCity 1.x/2.x
TeamCity 3.x enterprise key — grants enterprise version access
TeamCity 3.x agent key — grants one agent license
TeamCity 3.x evaluation key — grants temporary enterprise version access with unlimited agents; only one evaluation is allowed
TeamCity 3.x Open-Source key — grants time limited enterprise version access with unlimited agents
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