TeamCity 4.0 Help

Assign Roles Dialog

Administration > Configure users and groups > Users > Assign roles to the selected users

Administration > Configure users and groups > Users > <user> > Roles > Assign roles

Administration > Configure users and groups > Groups > <user group> > Roles > Assign roles

Administration > Configure users and groups > Guest user settings > Roles > Assign roles

Assign role dialog

Use this dialog to configure the Role and Permission that will be assigned to a user or user group, guest user or a particular user, selected from the list.




Use this drop-down list to select a Role and Permission, which will be assigned to the user in question.

View <Role> permissions

View the list of Role and Permission, associated with the selected role. Note that permissions are assigned per project.


Scope options allow to select whether the role to be assigned will be applied globally (i.e. for all projects in the system) or in particular projects.

Grant role globally

Check the option to grant the role in all projects.

Grant role in selected projects

Check the option and select projects in the list, in which the permissions are granted.

Replace existing roles with newly created

Check this option to remove all existing roles from the list of roles for a particular user, and replace them with the selected role. If the option is not checked, the new role is added to the list.


Click to assign the role to the selected user(s) or user group(s).


Discard all changes and close the dialog.

Last modified: 20 April 2023