TeamCity 4.0 Help

VC Build Issues

If you experience any problems running VC++ build on a build agent, you can try to workaround these issues with the following steps, sequentially:

  • Make sure you do not use mapped network drives.

  • Make sure build user have enough right to access necessary network paths

  • Log on to the build agent machine under the same user as for build and try running the following command: msbuild.exe <path to solution.sln> /p:Configuration:Release /t:Rebuild

  • Build Agent service runs under the user with local administrative privileges

  • Make sure Microsoft Visual Studio is installed on the build agent

  • You have to start VS 2005 or VS 2008 under build user once

  • If Error spawning cmd.exe appears, you should put the following lines exactly into the list in Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories: --$(SystemRoot)\System32 --$(SystemRoot) --$(SystemRoot)\System32\wbem

  • You need to add all environment variables from ...\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat to environment or to Build Agent Configuration

  • Try using devenv.exe with Simple Command Runner instead of sln2005/sln2008 build runner

  • Ensure all paths to sources do not contain spaces

  • Set VCBuildUserEnvironment=true in runner properties

  • Specify 'VCBuildAdditionalOptions' property with value '/useenv' in the build configuration settings to instruct msbuild to add '/useenv' commandline argument for spawned vcbuild processes.

Last modified: 20 April 2023